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probe points positions

Posted by Salpiform 
probe points positions
February 29, 2024 01:29AM
Hello, I have a question on where the Z_STEPPER_ALIGN_KNOWN_STEPPER_POSITIONS should be measured from/to.
I have a bed that is 535x535 with a printable area of 490x465. Z1 is -95,0 Z2 is 565,0 (+75 on x) and Z3 is 230, 645(+180 on y).
I think the probe points should within printable area and all on the same radius from the center of the circle created by the z axes...right?

I know, I know, you might be thinking, "How did you manage to get your hands on such a collection?" Well, my friend, let's just say I have my ways. But enough about that, let's talk about the good stuff.
open | download - sm_z_auto_level.jpeg (38.6 KB)
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