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Loadtime Marlin 5 minutes + Normal ?

Posted by RadioRon 
Loadtime Marlin 5 minutes + Normal ?
October 29, 2024 08:03AM
Marlin on Arduino 2.3.3 IDE
Startup time for my saved .INO is 5 min 35 seconds.

Is this normal ?
Can i do something to reduce the startup/load time.

Pls advise......
Re: Loadtime Marlin 5 minutes + Normal ?
October 29, 2024 03:49PM
Use platformio under vscode. [marlinfw.org]

But its most likely that you have very slow computer / harddrive
Re: Loadtime Marlin 5 minutes + Normal ?
October 30, 2024 08:19PM
I fixed my slow computer problem by cloning my boot hard drive replacing the spinning hard drive with a solid state hard drive.
It used to take several minutes to boot my computer also, now it boots in about 15 seconds. Then repeated the process for my laptop best money ever spent.
Once it took several hours to do a windows update, now this process is also done more quickly. (Cost for a 1TB hard drive solid state was $58.
I used MiniTool Partition Wizard > Copy Disk Wizard)

You will still experience slow transfers with external spinning hard drives, this too can be fixed though its cost increases quickly with the price of larger solid state drives.
As all hard drives can crash, I have a backup of all my computers hard drives placed in a safe for archival storage and safety purposes.

If I loose data now it is usually my fault for not archiving new data and not my computers fault.
Maybe one day the price of these solid drives will drop making it much cheaper and quicker to archive larger data storage devices.
The process is simple though making a clone of your boot drive can come with a traumatic experience if you make a mistake.

( crash of a windows boot drive / loss of all data, make sure that all data is archived to a external hard drive for safety before any cloning or disk copy process begin . )

Computer Programmer / Electronics Technician
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