I would like to speed up my Due RADDS board. Or also other Due based Boards. (I don't want to switch to Klipper. If possible. I like Marlin

It seems that the Arduino Board GIGA R1 have the same Pinout like an Arduino DUE.
Is it possible?
-Witbox Printer, Klipper RAMPS1.4 3xTMC2209 (standalone) Leveling BQ MicroProbe,
450W 230V Heizbett (8mm Aluguss PEI Beschichtung)
fast nichts mehr original :-)
-Eigenbau Printer, Marlin 2.1.x autoleveling (UBL)
Druckvolumen 420x276x300 750W 230V, geschlossener Bauraum temperaturstabilisiert, RADDS,
4xTMC5160 (SPI), Wasserkühlung mit FlowControl, Repetier-Server Pi3 usw.