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Marlin - MPSCARA not homing

Posted by sejkon 
Marlin - MPSCARA not homing
December 09, 2024 04:49PM
Hi, I have a problem with marlin and its SCARA function, it's my graduation paper, I have already printed the complete scara, most things work, if not at least half.
But what doesn't work is the homing of the "X" axis, the limit switches work normally and M119 shows them as triggers when they should be.
The "X" axis does not homing, it seems to me that once the "Y" axis is homed so is the "X" axis.
Re: Marlin - MPSCARA not homing
December 25, 2024 07:20PM
Maybe just a matter of bending the elbow by hand before sending the home command so the X switch will make contact first?

I think MPSCARA needs QUICK_HOME enabled so both motors move together (keeps elbow angle constant until shoulder endstop makes contact), so make sure that's in your Configuration.h.
Re: Marlin - MPSCARA not homing
December 25, 2024 09:37PM
Long discussion about it on github [github.com]

MP_SCARA Issue is basically fixed but user is not using a mp_scara but a scara arm with individual endstops and other changes

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 12/25/2024 09:38PM by Dust.
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