Strange issue with web interface
July 12, 2016 07:52PM
Hi all

I have a very strange and reproducible issue when I use the web interface. using a Duet 0.8.5

During the final test phase and setup of my P3Steel with a clone V6 all metal hot-end direct drive, I went to test my extruder and calibrate it...

Using PLA I set Extruder temp to 190c

Set the feed rate to 5mm/sec

Set feed amount to 100mm

Extruder started to extrude fine for about 5/10mm then just sort of vibrated,clicked and jumped about while still extruding, but what it extruded came out like a string of pellets after the sort of stop/start extrude

This printer has previously printed fine with a RAMPS board so I didnt think it would need much to jump across to the Duet (how wrong I have been) played with the tensioner. ( it was fine)

I stripped the hot end down to check for any crap inside, I had previously polished the innards of the all steel hot end so there is no steps from the extruder motor to the nozzle (this too was fine) All back together and the bloody thing was still buggering about hmmmmmmmmmmm

Now my windows 7 machine just wont talk to the web interface no matter what I do !!! so I use either my other desktop or my laptop both windows 10 and they connect 99% of the time

I have a linksys WRT54GL with DDWRT firmware on it, and im hardwired via cat6 cable to it with the Duet and my PC's

After re-checking the whole hot-end assembly from motor to nozzle for the umpteenth time I tried to connect to the web interface and it failed. (on both win 10 machines) tried with Chrome, FF, Opera & Edge

I have the latest WWW files from Here

So being cheesed off I thought sod it and connected to Pronterface via usb on my win10 pc (just to check that I was able to connect and to see if it would report that the network had come up (as it has in the past) for a giggle I thought I would test the still skipping extruder in Pronterface!!

And it just extruded no skipping chattering NOTHING I'm left thinking WTF.... I did 5 test extrudes with Pronterface and all completed perfectly.

Did a reboot on my router and my win 10 pc and managed to connect to the Duet via the www interface in Chrome, I carried out 5 test extrudes via the web interface and all exhibited chatter, but if I go straight back into Pronterface via usb the chatter suddenly disappears and the printer operates 100% I can move all axis's, home and level the bed etc

I am at a loss as to explain why the web interface exhibits this trait but Pronterface doesn't I just trusted the Web interface thinking I had a mechanical issue until I tried with Pronterface !!

Replaced Cat 6 cables, tried a static I.P. tried a direct PC to Printer connection different router, and I can still replicate the issue.

I have attached my config file if anyone wants a look

Anyone any idea's ?

open | download - config.txt (3.9 KB)
Re: Strange issue with web interface
July 13, 2016 03:59AM
What speed did you select when you extruded in the web interface? Perhaps it was too fast, and Pronterface was extruding at a slower speed. The only speeds I use are 5mm/sec for testing extrusion, and 100mm/sec for loading filament. 10mm/sec is too fast to extrude PLA though a 0.4mm nozzle unless you use a higher extrusion temperature than I usually do.

Large delta printer [], E3D tool changer, Robotdigg SCARA printer, Crane Quad and Ormerod

Disclosure: I design Duet electronics and work on RepRapFirmware, [].
Re: Strange issue with web interface
July 13, 2016 08:45AM
Hi David

Thanks for the reply

I Set the feed rate to 5mm/sec in both the web interface and in Pronterface, I put that in the first post , but maybe visually it got lost in whole post.

I did a search and already found that someone had asked the question about feed rates that you had replied to so i had already found out that it was best to use 5mm/sec.

Played with the temps of the PLA at the same feed rates to see if that made any difference (NONE)

As my extruder motor is directly above my hot end I dont really use the interface to load filament I do it all by hand, this is my extruder.

So im at a loss
Re: Strange issue with web interface
July 13, 2016 01:00PM
I have been messing with this further and I have some curious findings.

All guides I have read state that the steps per mm of the extruder come out around 420. Using Pronterface I started calibration of the filament.

After measuring 150 mm of filament from a known point I extruded 100 mm this lead to the marked 150 mm disappearing rather rapidly...

So I measured back 250 mm and told the printer to extrude 100 mm this led to 23 mm being left !! Meaning the printer appeared to actually be extruding 227 mm !!!

I did the calculations and eventually got the printer to extrude 100 mm with a steps per mm of 153 and with these settings the duet web interface will now extrude 100 mm @5 mm/sec without causing any jerking or vibration.

I now need to find out why my steps per mm is so far away from what is considered normal.

But it's a step forward in the right direction. And by posting it I hope it might help someone else.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 07/13/2016 01:57PM by Calvinx66.
Re: Strange issue with web interface
July 13, 2016 04:06PM
I'm sorry I didn't spot that you had given the extrusion rate in the original post - I use a smartphone to browse the forums first thing in the morning and late evening, and this means I can only see a small part of a thread or long post at a time. I was going to ask whether you are sure you are using the same motor current on the Duet as you were using RAMPS, but I see that you have resolved the problem.

Large delta printer [], E3D tool changer, Robotdigg SCARA printer, Crane Quad and Ormerod

Disclosure: I design Duet electronics and work on RepRapFirmware, [].
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