My engineer/electrician is unavailable at the moment. I am attempting to understand these two chips. I have linked the datasheets for both and I have been wading through them myself.
- the TMC2100 is on the SilentStepStick and would be used in conjuction with the Duet 0.8.5 and RADDS
- the TMC2660 in on the new Duet Wifi
Both chips sport company jargon labels like microPlyer™, stealthChop™ and spreadCycle™ for the TMC2100 and stallGuard2™, coolStep™, microPlyer™ and spreadCycle™ for the TMC2660
For this scenario the two configurations would be implemented on a medium sized desktop printer and cost is not a factor.
My questions are, given this scenario:
1) Would there be a significant difference in performance?
2) Is their architecture and feature set different enough that one stands out over the other?
3) Has anyone ever had direct comparison of the performance of these two setups.
For these questions my focus would mainly be on printer performance as defined by speed, accuracy and resolution. Secondarily would be noise, WiFi vs Ethernet, etc.