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Web Control iPhone/iPad interaction issues

Posted by zeplin 
Web Control iPhone/iPad interaction issues
August 31, 2016 04:27PM
I have not successfully connected to my Duet though a mobile device. I have tried both an iPad Pro and iPhone 6S and get the same result. I can load the web interface and get all the icons but it will not connect. Initial, I thought that it was the password that was not resolving properly though the interface so I commented it out. No change, it did not allow connection. So I thought it might be the dark theme so I went to the stock theme without a password. Still no connection and this is with a the knowledge that I just had connection with my computer to the Duet.

So, I researched if there was some switch or command that I was missing to enable the connection. But, to date I have not found anything save a small blearb saying that the code was borrowed/written for mobile devices. But, i can not remember where I found that to bring in as a reference.

Both iPad and iPhone have the 'connect' icons that are interact-able but i do not get any results.

What am i doing wrong? Does anyone do this to confirm that I am doing something wrong.

Please, Help. Note: I have only had my Duet for a month or two at the most.
Re: Web Control iPhone/iPad interaction issues
August 31, 2016 04:31PM
DWC uses AJAX and there are issues with AJAX not working with Safari on iOS.

I was told in this thread that it does work with Chrome on iOS, but I didn't bother trying.

Edited 4 time(s). Last edit at 08/31/2016 04:34PM by PDBeal.
Re: Web Control iPhone/iPad interaction issues
August 31, 2016 05:37PM
Well, that is not cool for iOS being stupid and not supporting AJAX
Re: Web Control iPhone/iPad interaction issues
September 01, 2016 11:13AM
Of course Safari supports AJAX. Otherwise, all kinds of sites would break.

DWC works fine for me on both my iPhone and iPad. Are you using a very old version of iOS?
Re: Web Control iPhone/iPad interaction issues
September 01, 2016 11:17AM
I used to have issues loading DWC on my Duet 0.8.5. The web server seemingly randomly gave a 404 reply for some (different ones each time) resources. So that's some kind of bug on the server-side.
Re: Web Control iPhone/iPad interaction issues
September 01, 2016 05:14PM
Not to old maybe one version back. so that leads me to belive that i am doing something wrong I did not think that Java in general worked on iOS. Which i though AJAX was Java will have to look into it now.
Re: Web Control iPhone/iPad interaction issues
September 01, 2016 05:28PM
The J in Ajax is JavaScript, not Java.

Large delta printer [miscsolutions.wordpress.com], E3D tool changer, Robotdigg SCARA printer, Crane Quad and Ormerod

Disclosure: I design Duet electronics and work on RepRapFirmware, [duet3d.com].
Re: Web Control iPhone/iPad interaction issues
September 01, 2016 05:33PM
On my iPad the only weird stuff I saw was with editing files. All the other operations work fine.

So for configuration work I fire up and use my laptop but for starting and monitoring prints the iPad works great.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 09/01/2016 05:33PM by WZ9V.
Re: Web Control iPhone/iPad interaction issues
September 04, 2016 02:15AM
I get the same behaviour with midori and chrome browsers on a rapberry pi 3
Re: Web Control iPhone/iPad interaction issues
January 22, 2025 04:12PM
It sounds like you’ve been very thorough in trying to resolve the issue, and it’s frustrating when everything works on a computer but not on your iPad or iPhone. Based on your description, it might be worth checking if the browser or device settings are limiting the connection. Ensure that JavaScript is enabled, and try clearing your cache or using a different browser on your mobile devices. Also, verify if the firmware on your Duet is up to date, as sometimes updates can resolve such compatibility issues.
Re: Web Control iPhone/iPad interaction issues
January 22, 2025 05:31PM
... after 9 years the "problem" ishould be solved one way or another smoking smiley

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