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Clarifying Question about multiple trigger and pause/resume

Posted by 3DRapidClone 
Clarifying Question about multiple trigger and pause/resume
October 26, 2016 04:26PM
Hey guys, just have a question about multiple triggers via the M581 command. If say you have an out of filament switch trigger (NC) for extruder 1 (M581 E0 S0 T2) and in the Trigger2.g file you have something like:

M117 Out of filament
M25 ;runs pause.g (no retract portion in it)
G1 E400 F500 ;for example
and new filament triggers that same microswitch, but a different trigger [M581 E0 S1 T3]

The trigger2.g will complete the rest of the macro before starting trigger3.g correct?

As for the pause and resume, say I wanted to clean my nozzles within the resume command,

G91 ; relative moves
G1 Z500 F6000 ; raise nozzle 500mm
G90 ; absolute moves

M98 P/macros/nozzlewipe.g
G1 Z500 F6000
G1 R1 Z2 F5000
G1 R1

Something like this would work, that is, the resume function will return to the last line of gcode on the gcode file regardless of where the nozzle is prior to the resume function except if the printer is homed?

Thanks guys.

M8K-X Quintuple Delta Printer (as in Make X)
E3D V6 Kraken + Syringe Extruder
Automatic Tool Change Mechanism (Kelvin Kinematic Mount) (WIP)
Auto-Filament Changer
Heated Chamber
Watercooled Components
380mm Printbite surface
Duet V.8.5. + DueX4
Recirculating Air Filtration
Sealed Filament Storage

Follow along with my trial and tribulations
Re: Clarifying Question about multiple trigger and pause/resume
October 27, 2016 05:07AM
Only one trigger macro will be executed at a time, so the second trigger will wait for the first trigger macro to finish.

Raising the nozzle by 500mm relative to its current position looks dodgy to me, how do you know that you have 500mm more Z travel above it?

The G1 R1 will restore the nozzle position to the point at which M25 was last executed. If the print is already paused when you run M25 then I think M25 will do nothing and leave the restore position unchanged, although I haven't checked that. Let me know if you find that it does something different.

Large delta printer [miscsolutions.wordpress.com], E3D tool changer, Robotdigg SCARA printer, Crane Quad and Ormerod

Disclosure: I design Duet electronics and work on RepRapFirmware, [duet3d.com].
Re: Clarifying Question about multiple trigger and pause/resume
October 27, 2016 11:41AM
Oh those aren't real .g files, especially the 500mm in Z I was just making it up on the spot to help get my point across. Thanks for clarifying my questions.

M8K-X Quintuple Delta Printer (as in Make X)
E3D V6 Kraken + Syringe Extruder
Automatic Tool Change Mechanism (Kelvin Kinematic Mount) (WIP)
Auto-Filament Changer
Heated Chamber
Watercooled Components
380mm Printbite surface
Duet V.8.5. + DueX4
Recirculating Air Filtration
Sealed Filament Storage

Follow along with my trial and tribulations
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