DueX4 and thermistor
December 18, 2016 07:28PM
I have my 3rd extruder on E2 of the DueX4. everything is working well except the thermistor. The readings are 3-4 degrees below the others and bouncing. See config. attached. Also can someone check M584 and see if that is correct. This is a Test Bed that I am working with while I wait for my DeuX2.
open | download - Config joe.txt (4.7 KB)
Re: DueX4 and thermistor
December 18, 2016 11:14PM
Some Duex4s had noisy analog inputs, perhaps yours is one of them?

If you got it from Filastruder recently, it might be one of them. Details in the first paragraph here:

Re: DueX4 and thermistor
December 19, 2016 06:37AM
I have version 2a board and the ground should have been fixed. Can I add a ground lead to this board to see if that's the problem?
Re: DueX4 and thermistor
December 19, 2016 02:12PM
Better check the thermistor cables for integrity...
I used to have my heat bed thermistor going crazy by a couple of Celsius degrees... turned out to be a minor isolation issue, i could not even see it with my eyes. But when the bed got hot - it got worse.
Just try to wiggle a bit on the wires and see if there is a change...

Sounds stupid, but then again: I was very sure my wiring was sound as well smiling smiley
Re: DueX4 and thermistor
December 19, 2016 04:01PM
Are you using the X4 with a Duet 0.6 or with a 0.8.5? If you use it with a 0.6 then you need to add the analog ground lead. Also, make sure that the analog ground jumper is in the correct position.

Large delta printer [miscsolutions.wordpress.com], E3D tool changer, Robotdigg SCARA printer, Crane Quad and Ormerod

Disclosure: I design Duet electronics and work on RepRapFirmware, [duet3d.com].
Re: DueX4 and thermistor
December 19, 2016 05:11PM
I am using it with 0.8.5. and the analog ground jumper seems to be in the correct position. (only 1 position available)
Re: DueX4 and thermistor
December 19, 2016 05:12PM
I swapped it with a known working one and same readings
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