CONN_LCD identification
March 31, 2018 10:07AM
I have a Duet WiFi Prototype board (white) and am confused as to the correct connections to CONN_LCD.

I have been using the Duet WiFi Connections - Prototype V2 diagram from Jan 2017 As far as I know this is the correct diagram for my white board.
However, The diagram indicates that the CONN_LCD connections are the second block from the bed thermistor connector and the +3.3V as the upper right pin but the actual board is marked CONN_LCD as the first block near the bed thermiator so which is the +3.3V pin?

I am trying to attach 2 external drivers to this connection so I would be very grateful for confirmation of the correct pin connections to the correct block.

If the guide, connecting external drives to CONN_LCD shows the +3.3V but is that correct for my white board?

Thanks for any help

appjaws - Core XYUV Duet Ethernet Duex5
firmware 3.1.1 Web Interface 3.1.1
Ormerod 1-converted to laser engraver, Duet wifi
OpenSCAD version 2020.07
slic3r-1.3.0, Simplify3D 4.1.2, Cura-4.4.1
Re: CONN_LCD identification
March 31, 2018 11:47AM
That's interesting, I wasn't aware (or had forgotten) that the connectors were supposed to be swapped between the pre-production and production boards. I suggest you use a multimeter to check for continuity between pin 3 of the expansion connector (the +3.3V pin), and pin 1 and pin 8 of each of the two 10-way connectors. CONN_SD has +3.3V on pin 8, while CONN_LCD has it on pin 1.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 04/01/2018 01:51PM by dc42.

Large delta printer [], E3D tool changer, Robotdigg SCARA printer, Crane Quad and Ormerod

Disclosure: I design Duet electronics and work on RepRapFirmware, [].
Re: CONN_LCD identification
April 01, 2018 08:43AM
The CONN_LCD and CONN_SD are reversed from what is shown on the diagram.
So on the group marked CONN_SD I have the following meter readings
Pin 1 +3.24V Pin 2 0V
Pin 3 +2.95V Pin 4 0V
Pin 5 +2.95V Pin 6 2.95V
Pin 7 +2.95V Pin 8 2.95V
Pin 9 0V Pin 10 2.95V
So this is the CONN_LCD block

Having connected the external drivers to the wrong block I seem to have lost my 5 Volt line, the 5 Volt led is red and the 3.3 Volt is green.
Using USB, the printer is not found, no USB connection. Also the blue LED on the WiFi assembly is not on. Applying 24 Volt power makes no difference.

Can this board be recovered or repaired?

I just can't believe that I connected the external drivers to the connections shown in the diagram.

appjaws - Core XYUV Duet Ethernet Duex5
firmware 3.1.1 Web Interface 3.1.1
Ormerod 1-converted to laser engraver, Duet wifi
OpenSCAD version 2020.07
slic3r-1.3.0, Simplify3D 4.1.2, Cura-4.4.1
Re: CONN_LCD identification
April 01, 2018 01:53PM
If the 5V and 3.3V LEDs are on then you have power on both the 5V and 3.3V rails. I suggest you follow the steps in [].

Large delta printer [], E3D tool changer, Robotdigg SCARA printer, Crane Quad and Ormerod

Disclosure: I design Duet electronics and work on RepRapFirmware, [].
Re: CONN_LCD identification
April 02, 2018 07:56AM
Thanks David,
I followed the instructions from the link and I can not get the computer to show a USB connection.
All of the lights are correct as indicated in the link.
So does this mean that the board is faulty or can I try something else?

Appreciate all of the help

I also noticed yesterday that the blue WiFi light went out so I lost connection.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 04/02/2018 08:04AM by appjaws1.

appjaws - Core XYUV Duet Ethernet Duex5
firmware 3.1.1 Web Interface 3.1.1
Ormerod 1-converted to laser engraver, Duet wifi
OpenSCAD version 2020.07
slic3r-1.3.0, Simplify3D 4.1.2, Cura-4.4.1
Re: CONN_LCD identification
April 02, 2018 05:03PM
If the 3.3V led is lit, and you pressed the Erase and Reset buttons, and you cannot get either a Bossa Port listed under COM ports in Windows Device Manager or an Unknown Device, these are some of the possibilities:

- Faulty USB cable. Try another one.
- Windows has disabled that USB port. Try another port, or test that port by plugging a different device into it.
- Blown ATSAM4E microcontroller. Is it getting hot? Slightly warm is normal.
- Another fault on the Duet, e.g. bad soldering on the USB connector.

Large delta printer [], E3D tool changer, Robotdigg SCARA printer, Crane Quad and Ormerod

Disclosure: I design Duet electronics and work on RepRapFirmware, [].
Re: CONN_LCD identification
April 03, 2018 10:53AM
Already tried different USB cable and another port on the computer - no change
ATSAM4E is not getting hot
I haven't checked the solder joints of the USB connection because I have the same symptoms when connecting with 24 volts so no connection to Web control. - not sure that is relevant so will take the board off and check.

Did notice an increased number of times during the last week when the board would not connect via WiFi after switch on. At these time also noticed the blue WiFi led was dimmed from it's normal brightness.
clutching at straws here.

I assume the only answer is to buy another expensive one.

Took the board out of it's case and inspected with magnifying glass and can not see any signs of overheating, all solder joints look good, so it is a mystery as to which component has failed.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 04/03/2018 12:02PM by appjaws1.

appjaws - Core XYUV Duet Ethernet Duex5
firmware 3.1.1 Web Interface 3.1.1
Ormerod 1-converted to laser engraver, Duet wifi
OpenSCAD version 2020.07
slic3r-1.3.0, Simplify3D 4.1.2, Cura-4.4.1
Re: CONN_LCD identification
April 03, 2018 12:46PM
If the blue wifi led was dimmed, that suggests that the 3.3V rail is low even though the green LED is lit. Can you measure it with a multimeter?

Are any other chips getting hot?

Large delta printer [], E3D tool changer, Robotdigg SCARA printer, Crane Quad and Ormerod

Disclosure: I design Duet electronics and work on RepRapFirmware, [].
Re: CONN_LCD identification
April 04, 2018 06:03AM
The 3.3 rail is measuring 3.24 volts
no chips are getting hot at all.

If you would like (and have the time) I could send you the board, it would be nice to know what has failed.
thanks for your help.

appjaws - Core XYUV Duet Ethernet Duex5
firmware 3.1.1 Web Interface 3.1.1
Ormerod 1-converted to laser engraver, Duet wifi
OpenSCAD version 2020.07
slic3r-1.3.0, Simplify3D 4.1.2, Cura-4.4.1
Re: CONN_LCD identification
April 04, 2018 06:59PM
Sure I can take a look at it, but I haven't time to attempt a processor replacement and in any case I made a mess of the last one I tried

Large delta printer [], E3D tool changer, Robotdigg SCARA printer, Crane Quad and Ormerod

Disclosure: I design Duet electronics and work on RepRapFirmware, [].
Re: CONN_LCD identification
April 05, 2018 03:31AM
I have PM'ed you

appjaws - Core XYUV Duet Ethernet Duex5
firmware 3.1.1 Web Interface 3.1.1
Ormerod 1-converted to laser engraver, Duet wifi
OpenSCAD version 2020.07
slic3r-1.3.0, Simplify3D 4.1.2, Cura-4.4.1
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