Hi everyone,
I've had my RepRap printer since the last quarter of 2015, and although I used it a lot for the first 3 years, children and life got in the way and I haven't used it much over the past couple of years.
I recently dug it out, gave it a clean up, unblocked the nozzle and printed a calibration cube I first printed on 12 Jan 2016! It worked great! But it I got a few AJAX errors (drop outs) during printing, and actually it's pretty inconvenient now having the plug the thing into the wired network at home. So, I have three questions that I'm hoping the hive mind might help me with!
1) What version of the firmware would people recommend for this old beast (Duet 0.6) - currently I'm running 1.09c-dc42 (2015-06-25) (RapRepFirmware)
2) What web interface would you recommend (currently HTML: 1.06, JS: 1.06
3) Is there a sensible way to run it either on the USB or, if not, what networking solution would you recommend please?
Thank you in advance everyone!