I have a delta with a piezo z probe running RRF3.4b3. I have worked out the z-probe offset and confirmed it with both G30 S-1 and also G30 alone.
I have also probed out the mesh bed correction. It looks 'ok', not great (max height - min height is about .25mm)
Now I want to invoke mesh bed correction without having to run G29 and G32 but I can't enable the heightmap correction until I've established a zero datum.
I tried putting this at the end of my config file:
G28 ;home
G1 X0 Y0 Z5 ;go to Z=5
M201 Z100 ;set accel real slow (I found this keeps my piezo from triggering during the start of a probe and use it for my G29 and G32 runs)
M566 Z20 ;set jerk really low
G30 ;probe bed once to trim zero height.
M201 Z5000 ;return accel to high
M566 Z300 ;set jerk to high
G1 Z300
It all runs fine, except the web interface does not know I homed and zero'd already, still have to click 'Home' manually. Is this normal?
question: If I configure the Z=0 datum by a single probe to the bed, does a subsequent homing erase that offset?
question: I want to programmatically set the accel and jerk very very low for any z-probe moves. I have that control in bed.g but how do I ensure the same thing for heightmap creation? I am thinking that I might creat a mesh.g file and put M557 there along with adjustments to the accel and jerk so I can return them to high values afterword but I'm burnt trying things out and just need some deeper info than the docs provide.
I realize that by doing this, my bed and nozzle aren't at printing temps. My meshbed is too large to run before every print but I'm used to manually ensuring the physical Z=0 anyway so I'm assuming that G32 and G29 at room temp will still be mostly valid and only have to adjust for the thermal expansion before a print.
JFYI, here is my z-probe setup:
M558 P5 C"z_probe.in" H5 F1000 T4000 R.75 ; create z probe input and type. H is dive height, F is probe speed, T is travel speed, R is settling time
M557 R150 S30 ; define mesh grid, radius and step size mm
G31 X0 Y0 Z-0.17 P500 ; probe height from actual surface (Volcano)