Hi, I'm trying to set up a Duet2 wifi board with RepRap on my cnc machine. I'm using the Workbee firmware version although I don't think this is causing the issue I have. I have the axis sizes set to X650 and Y600 ( M208 X0 Y0 Z0 S1 ; Set axis minima
M208 X650 Y600 Z200 ; Set axis maxima ) and limit switches at the low end ( M574 X1 P"xstop" S1 ; Set active low X endstop
M574 Y1 P"ystop" S1 ; Set active low Y endstop
M574 Z0 P"zstop" S1 ; Set active low Z endstop )
What I don't understand is why, after homing, the machine always sets its position to the high end, X650, Y600 and not X0, Y0.
Can someone please explain what I am doing wrong? Thanks