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TB6600 on MKS SBASE 1.3 via level shifter

Posted by adi1234 
TB6600 on MKS SBASE 1.3 via level shifter
March 08, 2018 03:42PM
I have to connect my tb6600 driver over a level shifter to mks Sbase 1.3.
I have tried the following setup:

mks sbase 1.3                level-shifter                                          TB6600

P0.4              ---------->  B4       A4                                     --------> PUL+
P2.0              ---------->  B3       A3                                     --------> DIR+
P2.1              ---------->  B2       A2                                     --------> ENA+
GND            ---------->  GND      
3.3v             ---------->  3.3V
5V                ------------------>   5V 
GND              ------------------>   GND                                 ----> PUL-,DIR-,ENA-
										B+ --> Stepper
										B- --> Stepper
										A+ --> Stepper
										A- --> Stepper
										VCC   <---------- Power Supply Stepper
										GND   <---------- Power Supply Stepper

I use the following level shifter:

1. If i checked the output via A4 saw the signal via a 5v Peak
2. As soon i connect my TB6600 on the line an i messure the voltage on the TB6600 PUL+ to GND is see only 2.2v
3. the stepper is not moving

1. 3.3V and 5 Volt is comming from the board
2. VCC and GND for Stepper is comming from another Power Supply
3. Board or Pins are not configured as open train.

Does somebody has any idea what went wrong?
Or does anyone have experience with level shifter and TB6600?
Re: TB6600 on MKS SBASE 1.3 via level shifter
March 10, 2018 12:02PM
This should be posted on the Controllers forum, this place is for the genuine Smoothie.
And a real schematic should be given.

"A comical prototype doesn't mean a dumb idea is possible" (Thunderf00t)
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