Another REPRAP user cool smiley
September 20, 2012 09:06AM
This section needed a fresh post. I'm usually a forum lurker but what the heck.

Anyhoo here's my 2 bits, piecing together a Reprap mostly from Fleabay and some Canadian suppliers.

New to the whole 3d printing so i'm learning as i go, building the printer as the parts come in from overseas and designing parts in between.
Re: Another REPRAP user cool smiley
October 04, 2012 03:28PM
Hello and greetings,

I'm new to the Edmonton area and am really wanting to start my own 3D printer project but life will prevent that happening for a few months lol. Would definitely be interested in keeping in touch or someway I can keep tabs on your progress. I'll be slowly setting up my work space and getting tools etc together but I think watching someone go through this process would be pretty informative for myself and others =D Good luck on the journey man. Hope it goes well.
Re: Another REPRAP user cool smiley
October 07, 2012 12:04AM
very new myself. I would check out the ENTS group here in edmonton. They have few working models among other projects in the shop.

Sunday Oct 7 is the general meeting (12:30pm) and open house at 6:30.

I joined myself and been pretty busy so i haven't met a lot of members there but i would advise checking it out.
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