Guys you can get away with paying $350.00 to $457.00 CND for a RepRap Prusa Mendel.
I would still use some of your PLA to make some of the Bells and whisles from thingiverse right away as soon as your Done Calibration.
Use this Video to start Calibration if your New to the 3D Printer world.
Skeinforge 40+Tutorial
Keep it Up Calgary/Edmonton see
Protospace for a place with experts in Building and Using 3D printers Robots and FreeBoS systems also almost anything else...
Attention Warning Warning Attention
there are still High speed problems with the Rep Rap Prusa Mendel design so I would check out
Ronthomp's Frame from Thingiverse too.
for a New Frame Design from the USA that dose not involve expencive extruded aluminum channel Or Wobbly Webbly thredded Rod stock.
Ronthop's Frame in Action Here
I will Keep up with Ron and Add my Own Fixes with my goal of having a 3D printer that has 90% of its Parts 3D Printed. you would still have to buy the Motors and Electronics. but the Rest would and should snap together in under an Hour... still working on the Idea in my Head but I will do some drawings soon
my thingiverse for Updates on this concept.