An introduction!
November 03, 2011 11:56PM
Hello all,
I am a grade twelve student building a Prusa as my Gr. 12 project. I already have the RAMPS board assembled (SMT soldering is surprisingly a lot easier than I thought!) and have ordered the rest of the vitamins from Mixshop. has generously let me use their makerbot to print out the parts for my printer, so I'm a little past half way through printing out the parts.
I just realized the Canadian user group actually had active members which is great!
I wish I could make the meeting tomorrow but I can't with such short notice.
I hope to meet some of you next time!

Just curious, does anyone know a local supplier for T5 plastic pulleys? I'm trying to track some down as they apparently really cut down backlash and improve accuracy.

Nice meeting you all,
Re: An introduction!
November 07, 2011 11:34PM
If your interested in following my progress:


Re: An introduction!
November 08, 2011 09:48PM

Just had a quick look at your blog. The prints look good. It looks like you have a good start on your parts.

Looking forward to seeing the printer.

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