Prusa RP parts?
November 19, 2011 03:58PM
Hello, folks. I'm a newcomer to the forums, and looking to build my first Prusa machine. I'm planning to pick up hardware, motors, etc from a local shop in Toronto in the next couple of days and starting the build as soon as I can get my hands on the RP parts. I see others have posted with a similar request before, so I was hoping someone might have a set of RP parts available locally that I could come by, pick up and compensate you for.
Re: Prusa RP parts?
November 22, 2011 01:00PM

My machine has been hating me for the past 2 weeks. After printing a full set of Prusa parts for my girlfriend's machine, it decided to no longer play nice.

If the part is a "calibration" part it will print for me, but as soon as I try to make something I would like my printer will do one of 3 random mis-print (either miss step X, miss step Y, or stop extruding ) sometimes all 3.

I hope someone else has PMed you with info on parts.

I plan on trying for a 2nd meeting in early Dec. Once again, on a Friday at at Swiss challet again.

I will post more later.

Re: Prusa RP parts?
November 23, 2011 05:58PM
I hadn't seen any activity for a couple days, so I went ahead and ebay'd some parts to get me going. I probably should have come back and updated the thread, but I forgot to check on it again until tonight. Thanks for piping up, though.

I will be looking for info on that meeting, and I'll definitely be showing up.
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