Using SEA drill bits on metric parts?
December 22, 2011 11:45AM
Hi there,

As this thread asks: can I used imperial sized drill bits on metric parts?

The step I'm at is:

I want to drill through some aluminum and bought an imperial drill bit set. Would the fraction os an inch closest to 3mm suffice or do I need a metic drill bit?

Re: Using SEA drill bits on metric parts?
December 23, 2011 06:09AM
HI epochapex ,

You might want to re-post this question in the General forum area for the most exposure. That being said, I am a newb myself so my answer might not be the best. I too was worried about the SAE vs Metric when I built my Prusa. What I learned was that for the most part you can mix SAE with metric as long as your fastener of choice can hold the parts together with as close to zero wobble as possible.

From what I can recall the holes in the aluminum plate are 1) hold a bottom plate to the top plate, and 2) hold a clamp which clamps the belt to the plate.

For the clamp holes, I'd say go for it. use whatever size you have knowing that the nut/bolt/washer will tie it all together.

For the holes that tie the upper to the lower. You could again use whatever size you have, but be aware that in this case a slightly larger hole might (stressing the might) introduce some slight slip or wobble on the Y axis when you print. This of course would all depend on the length of the screws that join the 2 plates.

Short answer: Go with SAE a tad larger, your probably ok.

Re: Using SEA drill bits on metric parts?
December 23, 2011 09:49AM
Hi Fred,

Thanks for your input. Yes, I should have posted this on the genral forum. I found it hard to find older posts in this forum, but anyway I might repost it there, but I feel confident that it should be OK if I go slightly larger.

I wish North America would switch to metric. Why are we still measuring by lengths of football fields? LOL
Re: Using SEA drill bits on metric parts?
January 10, 2012 01:44PM
I decided to go with the metric system and order metric drill bits online; they had to be shipped all the way from Australia.
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