Hi there folks, here i am yet again with more questions!

I just hope none of you's are getting fed-up with this, lol !

Well i've found these Nema 17 Stepper motors but they have 6-wires instead of 4...

Would it be possible to hook these motors up to a Ramps 1.4 setup, for say, my 2nd printer ? Im just doing some manual hunting for the parts required whilst saving up for my 1st 3d printer (which i will be getting with everything included in a kit, electrics pre-soldered as my soldering skills are rudimentary at best) and ive seen that the printer i will be getting has stepper motors with 4-wires...

Sorry to keep bugging the hell-outta-ya's but i find that this is the only place for such learning/advice !

Again many thanks in advance !

cool smiley
My understanding is that 6 wires normally mean unipolar motors. Reprap electronics normally use bipolar which are 4 wire
The Reprap wiki should give you a clue.

stepper motor

They are unipolar motors with a centre tap, giving 6 wires. You ignore the centre tap wires and just use four.

This is what I found in google images by typing in the serial number... a wiring diagram the same as you have, but you sometimes get lucky with a proper datasheet.

wiring. It looks like you ignore yellow and white wires.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 01/23/2012 05:29PM by martinprice2004.
Many many thanks again for the advice folks, its most-appreciated and i am very grateful !
The wiring diagram is gone... Anyone have another one? Also this makes sense for 2 of my motors, but 2 have a different color configuration. Yellow, black, orange, brown, red, red.

Also one of my motors has 5 wires..and no colors..it's just a ribbon.

Any ideas how to hook this up to ramps or what the different colors are?

I guess maybe I could check resistance on them to check which wires are coils?

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 11/17/2012 10:56PM by chimera15.
Hi chimera15

well i STILL dont have a reprap yet but have been doing LOADS of research into the components and electronics into these things and also found a wiring diagram that may be of use to you, check it out at the link below:

Stepper Motor Leads & Associated Colours

Hope this helps !

have fun !
Do you know if I could lost torque holding if I only connect 4 wire like a bipolar motor?
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