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RepRap community meeting -UK- all welcome

Posted by richrap 
RepRap community meeting -UK- all welcome
July 05, 2013 09:04AM
Hello everyone !

This is a post to generate interest in the RepRap Community Meeting Hub event we are planning for September this year at the TCTShow Birminghan NEC - in the United Kingdom.

An intro and background to the event is on My blog here. or in the RepRap Magazine Issue 2

In a nutshell we (‘you’ - the RepRap community) have a large stand space at the TCTShow in the UK, it’s a big and impressive 3D printing show, you can visit for free and also get involved with the RepRap community event.

We need people to assist with any of the following - along with any other good ideas you also have, let us know -

Some of these things can happen, but only if you get involved and help make them real -

We need someone (or a group of people) to design one or more large Iconic RepRap objects, that can be split up into various printable parts, maybe interlocking or as a Jigsaw (Think something like the wonderful Advent Calander by Pleppik) - the plan would be to distribute out the design of these parts (each one a sensible size to 3D print) and for people to print and bring them along to the Show for assembly into a grand, hopefully smiling smiley RepRap sculpture! - any parts we don’t get we could print during the two days of the show.

Bring a 3D printer - do you have a nice printer you want to show off? or a new / concept design to talk to people about?

Bring 3D prints - bad ones, good ones, tiny ones, psychedelic ones smiling smiley or designs you just can’t yet print and want to talk about.

Have an idea for a RepRap related project, machine or development? - this is the place to discuss it.

Be on the Community Hub Stand - Do you want to help out manning the stand? talk and meet people for as long or as little as you like.

Help give 3D printing advice or demo’s - we will have running machines but we still need people to help show people how to build and use them

Do you sell things into the RepRap community? - come along and meet some of your current or potential new customers.

Bring some cake! - everyone likes cake, we can have a nice cup of tea, slice of cake and a chat about 3D printing.

Do you have any other good idea for the Community Hub? - get in contact and let me know - [email protected]

Or you can PM me if you have any questions.

All of the RepRap Magazine team are planning to be at the two day show.

Dr Adrian Bowyer (the founding father of RepRap) will also be on the RepRap Community Hub stand, come and say hello and talk to all of us about 3D printing, technology and anything else.

Faberdashery will also be joining us for the event, they have a stunning knowledge of 3D printing materials, and will be on hand to advise on all the different types available.

We are also talking to other community members and RepRap Organisations who also hope to come along and help make this event something great, stay tuned for more exciting announcements!

And if you do want to come to the show, you will need to register, it's totally free.

Get involved now (wherever you are in the world) - [email protected]



Re: RepRap community meeting -UK- all welcome
May 22, 2014 01:50AM
What's happening about the 2014 tct show anything planned

Check my rubbish blog for my prusa i3

up and running
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