Nearest may be this.....
When: 26 July 2010, 19:00 till 21:00
Venue: The GIST Lab
Address: First Floor, The Workstation, 1 Grinders Hill / Brown Street, Sheffield, United Kingdom, S1 2BX
This month is the inaugural meet-up to help the group find its feet and shape the way it goes forward. It's a loose agenda, and an informal set-up.
Everyone Welcome
No experience necessary. Let's face it, this is the future we're building!
Interested in experimentation and building machinery that can self replicate?
In a nut shell RepRap is an open research project to make Rapid Prototyping Machinery that can Replicate it self ultimately completely but working towards is acceptable, hence RepRap. This event is a meet-up for folks who want to find out more or get involved, and to work on projects that push forward the boundaries of this technology research.
It's not dry research though .... we build stuff too. And that stuff will eventually be able to build itself ... welcome to the self-replicating machine odyssey!
Fore details and a map see :-
The Sheffield RepRap Users Group shares community space with the Sheffield Arduino Users Group (Shacknet)
Amongst others at the GistHub
Necessity hopefully becomes the absentee parent of successfully invented children.