Hello All New Build NOOB!! confused smiley
June 07, 2010 02:26PM
Hi all UK builders,
I'm New to the Reprap world and based down in oxfordshire.
I'm gonna be building a mendel (groan another build blog)
Purchases (orders more like) so far are the majority of the electronic componets for the pcbs and and the pcbs themselves.
Having a little trouble finding some of the IC's in less than 50 quantity bulk orders. moody smiley
I think many have spent far to long reading Nophead's Blog as I am having far to many ideas already but haven't even made my own yet.
The bit I'm dreading at the min is the sourcing of the printable parts but I promise I will try not to pester people for them and will endevour to find some on ebay that are less than £300 (good luck me).

Moneys spent so far
Electronic components - £76.70
PCB - (awaiting invoice when boards made)

Electronics still needed
- 15pF ceramic capacitor 1206 x 4
- Atmega644p tqfp x 1
- A3982 x 3
- A3949 SOIC x 2
- 10 pin female header x 4 (know not inportant)

So far I'm only making up the PCB's and will then move onto the next parts after.
All the electronics have been ordered from Mouser Electronics
and the PCB's from iprint3D
If anyone knows of a source in the uk for the remaining electronics please could the let me know.

Re: Hello All New Build NOOB!! confused smiley
June 08, 2010 05:59AM
u can try Maplin for your parts.

good luck
Re: Hello All New Build NOOB!! confused smiley
June 08, 2010 08:23AM
I've used Farnell and RS Components for a lot of electronics. Typically the smaller components (resistors, caps) come in 10/25/50 strips, and they're so small and cheap it's handy to have some spare.
Maplin are good but they don't have such a range. Farnell and RS both carry so much that finding the exact thing you want is sometimes a problem:-)

Welcome to the RepRap world!

Also, you'll have to post your (yet another :-) ) blog link - I tend to read them all, because there's some good ideas floating around in the sea of blogs... :-)

Renoir (Dave R)

Renoir's Rants

Reprapping blog and other rants: [renoirsrants.blogspot.com]
My Reprap: [sites.google.com]
Re: Hello All New Build NOOB!! confused smiley
June 08, 2010 10:17AM
Welcome fuzzy

lol - as we speak I am busy getting my hands dirty for the first time.... currently cutting the studding to length and listening to some good tunes smiling smiley

I must admit nophead's blog certainly is inspirational smiling smiley I read it from start to finish just skipping some overly technical stuff.

good luck with the build.
Re: Hello All New Build NOOB!! confused smiley
June 08, 2010 12:46PM
Hello, thanks for the support.
I have yet to start a blog on the build but sounds like a plan - prob start when parts start appearing.

15pF ceramic capacitor 1206 x 4 - the closest I have been able to find of the RS and farnell websites is this. but its only a 50v cap. Will it be suitable or is there an alternative I can use???

Atmega644p tqfp x 1 I have found here

A3982 x 3 can be found here.

A3949 SOIC x 2 Is on farnell here but says it is no longer manufactured. and cannot find it on the RS website. any alternatives or locations?
Re: Hello All New Build NOOB!! confused smiley
June 08, 2010 02:35PM
Just had a bit of an idea!
When I have my reprap functioning in a suitable manor then I will print off 5 full sets of parts and give them away (excluding postage).
The only clause will be that they must in turn do the same as I have, hopefully causing a knock on effect thus meaning more people in the UK will be able to get there RepRappers up and running cheaper. Also forcing the prices for them down a bit.
Any feedback or comments welcome.
Re: Hello All New Build NOOB!! confused smiley
June 08, 2010 04:37PM
lol - and this manor you consider suitable - will that have a large ball room and grounds you can lose a herd of horses in? cool smiley

The materials cost of the RP parts is approximately £40 so I would guess you should at least charge materials cost + postage else you lose £200 in addition to your build cost.

I do hope I get to sell a few sets before you destroy the market so I can recoup my build cost a little smiling smiley

Having said that, I do not expect to be able to sell sets at todays prices as Adrian (the father of Reprap) occasionally puts a full set on ebay with a buy it now price of £40. (so keep your eyes open)
Re: Hello All New Build NOOB!! confused smiley
June 08, 2010 10:03PM
Had not thought about that to be honest so yeh sell at materials cost and postage.
Cheers about the advise on the Ebay parts will keep eyes peeled for some.
Just realised i haven't yet said why I'm doing this.
I'm doing it as another one of my cold rainy day projects.
If I get mine up and running in the not too near future, I'll be using it to make trial pieces for smal parts for my offroader and the such like.
I am only keeping a running total so anyone who decides they want to have a go then it'll give an idea as to the cost. Plus see how much money I wasted if I dont complete it eye rolling smiley

Moneys spent so far
Electronic components - £102.93
PCB - (awaiting invoice when boards made)

Electronics still needed
- 15pF ceramic capacitor 1206 x 4
- A3949 SOIC x 2
- 10 pin female header x 4 (know not inportant)
Re: Hello All New Build NOOB!! confused smiley
June 09, 2010 08:32AM
I had to adjust the components to match what was available at the time from farnell and RS. I have a DC motor driver board (one of the old through-hole ones) but I'm moving to a stepper driver extruder instead.

The 15pf 1206 caps you linked to look fine to me (although what's my uninformed opinion worth?). Given that a strip of 25 or 50 is normally only a pound or two, it's better to order them from whovever if you're making another order. The postage will be lots more otherwise.

Reprapping blog and other rants: [renoirsrants.blogspot.com]
My Reprap: [sites.google.com]
Re: Hello All New Build NOOB!! confused smiley
July 10, 2010 06:01AM
Fuzzy Wrote:
> When I have my reprap functioning in a suitable
> manor then I will print off 5 full sets of parts
> and give them away (excluding postage).

Very admirable!

Adrian said he was going to alternate between selling on eBay with a buy now price of £60 or so, and listing the parts as an auction - which generally go for £500 or more.

My guess is, however that you would never get enough people with enough time to keep it going to the extent that it would threaten the value of other people selling kits.

Welcome to the forum bu the way!

Re: Hello All New Build NOOB!! confused smiley
March 19, 2011 10:45PM
Good luck hope it turns out as you expect. I'm new to and looking for electronics/software/firmware help.
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