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Poker-working device

Posted by Assargadon 
Poker-working device
February 09, 2008 07:44AM
As I told before, my crafting skills are poor.
So, to have some practics, I going to make poker-device from my cartesian robot. It's lokks quite simple, as far as I have old but still working poker-working unit.

All I need is attach it to robot and provide all this with appropriate software. I don't yet know if this software alredy maked or I should make it by myself.
Re: Poker-working device
February 09, 2008 11:57PM
Look at emc, a realtime linux based machine controller.

It will be easy if your robot is controlled by a parallel port, with a simple protocol like "wire 1 (HI/LO) indicates (+X/-X) direction for the x-axis, wire 2 pulses mean move one step on X, etc."

If your robot requires something more complicated, you may be able to get emc to do it.
Re: Poker-working device
February 10, 2008 03:22AM
Yes, it looks usefull.
Really it looks so usefull, I don't understand why RepRap software are independent from EMC. Is parralel port orientation only problem?
Re: Poker-working device
February 10, 2008 08:25PM
I think there are some people doing work with usb and emc, but we went with a java-based driver in order to run on anything.

If it was just you or me doing this, it would probably be in C using the parallel port in linux. Since we want most of the world using these machines, we need to make compromises.
Re: Poker-working device
January 20, 2009 05:16PM
Hi, I
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