I am starting to build a dual head printer with the plan of dedicating the second extruder specifically for water soluble support material.
My current printer only has one extruder and no second fan to cool the extruded plastic such as is done on the makerbot 2.
If I am planning on using support material is there still a need for the extra cooling fans???
I ask because between the two extra fans I loose a good inch to inch and a half of travel or need to grow the machine by that much so Id rather not do it if the water soluble material makes it unnecessary to deal with fan controlled cooling...
What do you think I should do???
BTW I will post my printer progress on the board and make it open but I could also use some help on how to start the process... where to start the thread... what to include... etc.
Thanks any info will help me out a lot... I am designing the extruder assembly this week