Construction related tutorials for Blender
May 27, 2012 01:13PM

i had a first look into blender. I didn't think it will work for what we need around 3D Printing - i thought it's more for animation and rendering perposes but as many people around thingiverse seem to use it, it should work well.

I did some tutorials and i'm basically fine but i'd see some more construction related stuff. I still don't know how to work things out when it comes to exact measure and stuff.

Maybe some of you have some good links handy? I know of course but didn't find so much there which helps us on our topics.

Thanks for any help you can give.

Re: Construction related tutorials for Blender
May 30, 2012 12:41AM
I have some that may help.


Also press "n" until the menu comes up next to the work area. Then when in mesh edit mode scroll down in the new menu until you see a check box marked "edge length" and check it. This will show the edge length which you can use to measure and draw using a single vertex like you would in a cad program by pressing "e" for extrude. After pressing "e" you can select x, y, or z to move it on an axis or "shift" and x, y, or z to lock it on an axis.

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