I'm re-doing my basement and have to move my printer, I guess I'm going to put it in my office and wanted to try and build something stable that I could easily level wherever I put it regardless of the level of the underlying surface. Based off the bed leveling springs I made this:
It's actually really stable and easy to level. Both the lower plywood base and upper MDF surface are 2'x2'. In the center is a cheap projector mount I got off Amazon which allows pivot and locking in all axis. I think it was around $20. For the corners I used 3/16 x 8' bolts with ~5in compression springs. The sprngs I had were only about 4 inches so I had to stretch them out a couple inches. The space between plates is 5 inches, the springs are stretched to about 6 inches and seems to provide good compression and tension. I glued two cheap levels to the edges so I don't have to search around for them all the time like I do everything.
I think this will work for what I was trying to accomplish but I just had another thought to use the open space un between the plates to house the power supply, electronics, and as much of the cabling as possible. Could put easily fit a few fans and still have room for everything and be able to screw/unscrew the projector mount bolts. I think I'm going to maybe drill a hole or two around the center and try and run the cables thru them under where the printer will sit.
Any thoughts whether this is a good/bad idea, what I might want to change? Any reason I might not want to put the power supply and electronics underneath?