I know that it is beyond my capabilities but I love it. This suit not only make you "feel" the objects perimeter by stopping your hands and fingers when you reach it, with some sort of piston I guess, but also let you feel the weight of the objects that you lift, with the same pistons. Or maybe the resistance of a door that you open.
How can this thing be 3d printed?
What parts sensors and electronics should I buy? I think that I need some sort of "brakes" or pistons, sensors to know the movement of every little piston and electronics to control it all.
Any suggestions on how to make it work?
How can the resistance to movement be created? With some sort of precision "brake"?
Any brainstorm/suggestion? CAD suggestions for some parts? Maybe for the electronic controlled pistons/brakes. Or suggestions on how to read the movement.
This thing has a lot of small parts that seems ideal for 3d printing. The large rigid parts could be standard steel rods with 3d printed plastic joints.
Edited 3 time(s). Last edit at 08/22/2014 05:53AM by Autarkyboy.