Can Mendel handle my huge Iron Man suit project???? hot smiley
May 13, 2010 11:07AM
I have just started my likely 6 - 12 month project of fabricating an entire wearable replica of the Iron Man suit. I have already begin building my 3D models to spec, and completed the helmet which I have used to begin getting estimates on. I threw the idea of using sheet metal out the door because of the complexity of curves and edges, and began considering 3D print which they used in the new Iron Man 2 movie to build their suit. However, Shapeways and many other sites are really high for this much material. The lowest estimate I have found was $1,200 to have it printed in ABS!!!

So after finding this Mendel project, I am starting to get my hopes up, but watched some videos of finished products, and am concerned that Mendel may not have enough detail even with ABS to print these pieces. Before spending money on ordering parts and building one, I need some honest criticism from owners here, on whether or not Mendel will be feasible for my massive project.

I have attached pictures to give an idea of detail. This helmet is made of 6 separate pieces, and measures H-24.1cm x W-18.4cm x D-28.8cm.

If FaceBooks new security will allow it, you can view my HD video here showing the detail that I recorded while moving it around in 3ds Max:
open | download - AutoCad-Helmet-1.jpg (56.5 KB)
open | download - AutoCad-Helmet-2.jpg (56.9 KB)
open | download - AutoCad-Helmet-3.jpg (57.8 KB)
Re: Can Mendel handle my huge Iron Man suit project???? hot smiley
May 16, 2010 07:19PM
Is your intention to build something that looks like the iron man suit, or something functional?

Re: Can Mendel handle my huge Iron Man suit project???? hot smiley
May 16, 2010 07:35PM
An exact replica of the suit, that is fully functional and fit to measure against my body. I will also be attempting to build on the inside the area's to run wiring for power and lights. I also have a good feeling that I may be able to fit some small servo's in it, and give it the ability to push some of the outside armor pieces. I would love to be able to mimic his scene where he does the surface test on the suit and all of the rear armor starts to move. But there is a LONG LONG way to go before were at that point!
Re: Can Mendel handle my huge Iron Man suit project???? hot smiley
May 30, 2010 11:33PM
Apparently some of the props in the movie were made on objet printers off of scans of the actor's hands.
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