Hello, my friend Javier Román and me, Alexander Gil, want to present our project:
Antdroid is an hexapod fully open source, low cost and 3D printed.
It's based in Arduino Mega and Raspberry Pi, its mainly features are:
- Parametric and modular design.
- Inverse kinematic implementation.
- 18 DOF.
- Camera streaming.
- Gamepad control (ps3 sixaxis) and keyboard control.
- WiFi and BT(optional).
- Automatic control from camera. (Antdroid loves green balls and hates red ones)
Vitamins list:[
The robot can work only with the Arduino and been controlled by a bluetooth from firmware( this is not implement but could be easily added ). Instead, we implemented a more advanced control in a Raspberry Pi with ROS. That allows us to have an intelligent robot instead of a radio control simply robot.
Video working: [
Website: [
Wiki: [