I have a unrelated project to 3d printing.
I want to use the 4x20 RepRapDiscount Smart Controller with an Arduino nano 3.
I like the display size and the fact that there is an encoder that could be useful tool.
Can I interface the display with the nano 3 directly by wiring or some other parts are required?
Thank you.
After looking at reprap documentation for the discount smart controller I have learned that it is composed of DMC204LCD , the rotary encoder, sd card interface.
So what I need is to basically connect the DMC204LCD to the arduino nano 3 and go from there. Is it like any other lcd 16x2 or similar? Use 8 data lines but in half mode?
4 data and the other necessary pins.
Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 03/26/2022 08:11PM by konstantin.neo.