[INTERNATIONAL] MendelMax 1.5 Complete Kit at $699 ONLY!!
September 13, 2012 11:32AM
We appeared to be quiet for a while because we were working hard in the background to develop the MendelMax 1.5 kit.
Finally, it is available on our eBay store http://stores.ebay.com/Blomker-Industries

$699 ONLY!!

Content of kit :

MendelMax 1.5 Printed Plastic Parts
Sanguinololu 1.3a + A4988 Stepstick Drivers
MK2 Heat bed with Fiber Glass Insulated Wire
NEMA17 Stepper Motors (40Oz/in) - 5pcs
Aluminium shaft coupler for Z-Axis threaded rod - 2pcs
2020 Aluminium Extrusion (4pcs of 300mm,4pcs of 340mm,6pcs of 420mm)
T5 Belt and Pulley for X & Y Axis
SCV8UU Bearing Housing for Print Platform support - 4pcs
LM8UU Bearing (8pcs)
608z Bearing (5pcs)
MDF (9mm thickness) Print Platform
J-Head MKV Hot End
8mm 304 Stainless Steel Smooth Rod for X, Y & Z Axis
M8 threaded rod for Z Axis
12VDC, 20A Power Supply. 110V/240V Switchable
Mechanical Endstop - 3pcs
All bolts, nuts, wiring and miscellaneous


Edited 7 time(s). Last edit at 09/14/2012 12:46PM by blomker.
Re: [INTERNATIONAL] MendelMax 1.5 Complete Kit at $699 ONLY!!
September 14, 2012 07:43AM
Some pictures of the assembled MendelMax 1.5 3D Printer kit.
Electronics and wiring not done up yet in these pictures hence they are not visible.

There's nothing listed on your ebay store yet ?
Re: [INTERNATIONAL] MendelMax 1.5 Complete Kit at $699 ONLY!!
September 22, 2012 11:05AM
hi Saghir I also noticed the same , I tried to order at their site [blomker.com] as well , but delivery country option is only to Malaysia ?
I'm in Netherlands.
Re: [INTERNATIONAL] MendelMax 1.5 Complete Kit at $699 ONLY!!
October 13, 2012 09:59AM
Sorry guys, eBay takes away a huge chunk of the sales amount (12%) so I have stopped listing there.
I rather give buyers the 12% in a form of discount or freebies. Making RepRap affordable is the only way
for RepRap to keep growing in the open source space and slowly build an entry barrier for large organisations to
barge in. Once the big boys take over 3D Printing, we will be paying a fortune for the printers and consumables.

Saghir has got his kit and Branko's kit is the one on the left most below. Branko's kit will be picked up by Monday together with the other two.

International buyers please e-mail me directly at blomker@blomker.com
The website has Malaysian currency and it is for Malaysian order only. Trying to build up the Malaysian RepRap scene.
Re: [INTERNATIONAL] MendelMax 1.5 Complete Kit at $699 ONLY!!
October 13, 2012 10:51AM
Thanx Blomker,
Once assembled I'll send some photos...
Re: [INTERNATIONAL] MendelMax 1.5 Complete Kit at $699 ONLY!!
October 13, 2012 09:51PM
Is it simple assembly or does it require some soldering too?

I'm from malaysia.
Re: [INTERNATIONAL] MendelMax 1.5 Complete Kit at $699 ONLY!!
October 14, 2012 02:05AM
Hi DeadPie,

Assembly is between easy to medium depending on individual's skill.
Minimal soldering is required.

You may refer to the build guide available at
http://blomker.com/BlomkerIndustries_MendelMax_BuildGuide.pdf to see how's the assembly like. I can guide you through if you face any problem.

E-mail me offline at blomker@blomker.com to discuss more.

what is the max printing area?
October 14, 2012 03:41PM
Hi Blomker,

What is the max printing area?

Do I need to buy extra component in order to print a model (except ABS filament and my computer smiling smiley )? I found other 3D printer kit on ebay but they need to buy other components such as eletronics and motors.

Hello! I am very interested in hearing an answer to ED's question as well.
Re: [INTERNATIONAL] MendelMax 1.5 Complete Kit at $699 ONLY!!
October 30, 2012 08:14PM
Max Kits on reprap.cc are soon free to order.
I think about 10 days then we made the preorders smiling smiley
Re: [INTERNATIONAL] MendelMax 1.5 Complete Kit at $699 ONLY!!
November 29, 2012 05:05AM
Hello Ed & Lee,

You will have to get the local glass shop to cut a 200x200x3mm glass to be used as print surface.
Cover the glass with Kapton tape for printing with PLA & ABS.
Or, just cover it with blue painters tape if you are printing with PLA only. Blue painters tape is also known as masking tape which is light brown in colour. I don't ship the glass because it will most likely break/crack during shipping.

Also, get a AC power cord which fits your AC wall outlet. I am not able to source for all the different AC power cord to be included in the kit.
Those are the two things you need. Everything else is included. smiling smiley

Re: what is the max printing area?
November 29, 2012 05:08AM
The maximum printing area is 200x200x160mm (WxLxH). It is limited by the size of MK2 heat bed.
However, printing of PLA object does not require the heat bed and the print platform can be extended to a larger size.
Just relocate the limit switches and mount a larger piece of glass with some clips available from thingiverse.com

Probably I will post a guide on how to extend the print area for PLA printing.
Re: [INTERNATIONAL] MendelMax 1.5 Complete Kit at $699 ONLY!!
November 29, 2012 08:28PM
Is it possible to send the kit in two parts? The thing is i'm living in Ukraine and our customs system is a bit weird - if you order something for over 300 euros then you need to pay 40% tax, which in case of your kit would be 279 $. So the total amount will be 978$+shipping.

So can you divide the complete kit into two parts and sell each one for 350$?

Re: [INTERNATIONAL] MendelMax 1.5 Complete Kit at $699 ONLY!!
November 30, 2012 10:43AM
Hi Vitaly,

Please e-mail me at blomker@blomker.com
I am sure something can be done to get the complete kit shipped to you in a box smileys with beer
Re: [INTERNATIONAL] MendelMax 1.5 Complete Kit at $699 ONLY!!
December 06, 2012 03:01AM
Something for the day :

Re: [INTERNATIONAL] MendelMax 1.5 Complete Kit at $699 ONLY!!
December 13, 2012 10:59AM
This is the Pixar Luxo Lamp by Makerbot. Design files available at http://www.thingiverse.com/thing:27062
Printed on our MendelMax :

Re: [INTERNATIONAL] MendelMax 1.5 Complete Kit at $699 ONLY!!
December 14, 2012 11:46PM

I have viewed your website,it seems that there are none of the filament in sale.we are the manufacture in china,provide the ABS,PLA filament with 3mm,1.75mm.and so many color for your reference.

wish to cooperare with you in the future.

Re: [INTERNATIONAL] MendelMax 1.5 Complete Kit at $699 ONLY!!
December 18, 2012 08:44AM
Blomker, any plans to add multiple head support?
Re: [INTERNATIONAL] MendelMax 1.5 Complete Kit at $699 ONLY!!
December 23, 2012 09:52AM
Hi, Blomker,
Do you ship with black printed parts?
Is the Sanguinololu in the kit an ATmega1284P one? I ask because I would like to add the LCD with SD to the setup for autonomous printing and the 644P is said to have to little memory for that.
Is such setup possible?

Thank you,

I just finish to complete assembling of my MendelMax 1,5 and and ask me how to initiallised the differents axes first and
principaly the z axes for be sure that the extruder cone is in good place. (I suppose the small space of the thinkness from a paper folder between the cone and the surface of the glass upon the bed heater).
How to translate this situation to prontefact ? thanks for your aswer.
Excuse my bad English wrinting but I am Belgianpeople in french speaking.smiling smiley
Rocourt Belgium
Re: [INTERNATIONAL] MendelMax 1.5 Complete Kit at $699 ONLY!!
February 03, 2013 06:24PM
Has the price increased from $699?
Re: [INTERNATIONAL] MendelMax 1.5 Complete Kit at $699 ONLY!!
February 03, 2013 08:40PM
Check out his website: [blomker.com]

I ordered a kit from Blomker last week and supposed to be delivered tomorrow.

Re: [INTERNATIONAL] MendelMax 1.5 Complete Kit at $699 ONLY!!
February 03, 2013 10:13PM
Knimrod Wrote:
> Check out his website:
> [blomker.com]
> I ordered a kit from Blomker last week and
> supposed to be delivered tomorrow.

Thanks! I'm looking for a decent sub-$800 first 3D printer, and am debating between one of the RepRaps or the Solidoodle 2 pro. One of my hesitations with the Solidoodle 2 is I hear that filament jams at the extruder are very common and a pain to resolve. While I understand this will happen with any 3D printer, can anyone comment on the reliability of the MendelMax 1.5 if built correctly? Also, will this model at $699 work with ABS filament?

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 02/03/2013 10:55PM by Zangetsu57.
Re: [INTERNATIONAL] MendelMax 1.5 Complete Kit at $699 ONLY!!
February 03, 2013 11:52PM
You can download his brochure and build instructions from the website. He provides all the settings for ABS and it does come with a heated bed so I'd say yes to ABS.

Re: [INTERNATIONAL] MendelMax 1.5 Complete Kit at $699 ONLY!!
February 04, 2013 03:02AM
Knimrod Wrote:
> You can download his brochure and build
> instructions from the website. He provides all
> the settings for ABS and it does come with a
> heated bed so I'd say yes to ABS.

Good to know, thanks for the reply. The instructions appear to be well put together and very methodical. Can anyone offer an estimate to how long it would take for a 3D printer novice to build, program, and calibrate this kit? As a RC airplane/helicopter hobbyist, I do have experience building kits with moving parts, soldering, and working with electronics, so I can only assume these skills can translate to some extent. I'm looking for a kit that I can follow instructions, put together, go through the proper calibration procedures, and then start using it. I'd like the ability to tinker and expand upon later, but don't want something that I constantly need to maintain to keep working.
I think it took me 10-12 hours (or around) spread out over a few afternoons to build this kit.

I replaced the Wood bed support with a piece of G10, and am running a different main board that i had already. Other than that, it is pretty much stock. For the money this is a great kit. I've been printing with it for a few months now and have had no issues with the exception of the wood base.
Re: [INTERNATIONAL] MendelMax 1.5 Complete Kit at $699 ONLY!!
March 02, 2013 10:36AM
My kit has been running along nicely. I'm still using the supplied MDF print bed and no issues. However, I did cover the print bed with an adhesive backed, automotive heat shield. I was seeing some backlash issues with the supplied T5 belts and pulleys so I upgraded to GT2 belts and pulleys (from Blomker). Backlash gone. I also had a couple issues with the X-carriage and extruder printed parts as they did not seem to be very good quality and appeared to be a different material (black ABS?) than the rest of the pieces (green PLA?). There was a little delamination of these parts and I easily broke a couple of the ears off the bearing holders on the X-carriage. Super-glue to the rescue. Other than that, I'm very pleased with the kit.
Re: [INTERNATIONAL] MendelMax 1.5 Complete Kit at $699 ONLY!!
March 06, 2013 09:07AM
Do you offer the kit without electronics and power supply ? PM me with a price.
I got a RAMPS setup so I am not going to need those. Very nice kit anyway.
Re: [INTERNATIONAL] MendelMax 1.5 Complete Kit at $699 ONLY!!
March 21, 2013 08:49PM
Blomker (and others),

Researching a MendelMax build and I was just reading a little on some listing cost troubles your finding with eBay and stuff. If you find value by freely listing/showcasing your bots, parts, and filament on 3dhacker.com please email me your registered username from the site. (Takes about 2 minutes and I just need to take off the anti-spam verification on usernames to keep the site "clean".)

The site is searchable by country/state and might give more exposure to your RepRaps.

Just an idea,

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