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J Hotend @ $49.50 in stock !!

Posted by tejal 
J Hotend @ $49.50 in stock !!
February 01, 2013 07:40AM
Am posting the advertise all over again.
All your question, suggestions and views are most welcome.!!

We have stock of J Head Hotend
You can chekout Here

Thank you !!
Re: J Hotend @ $49.50 in stock !!
February 01, 2013 07:54AM
Good start, now if you just answer the outstanding questions in the other threads you may get some questions here that will help you with this hot-end.

Questions about the availability of the open source files for your new Rapidbot 3.0 by DeuxVis yesterday

You state it's open source, where are the open source files to build one.

And my questions about the heated bed right here.

Be more open and people will not need to keep on calling you out on things.

Thank you.

Re: J Hotend @ $49.50 in stock !!
February 01, 2013 07:57AM
Thanks for letting us ask, appreciated.

From memory, I was first stating that some old designs/cheap copies of JHeads are fragile or not working for a long time (I believe because overheating leading to the formation of a plug in the cold end of the thermal barrier, but not sure on that).

My question were about :

1) what kind of design changes or testing did you go through to get sure your version is not subject to those problems ?

2) what kind of insurance do you offer to your buyers, can they send it back and get refunded if they discover it does not work as well as they expect (IE as good as a pristine current version JHead does) ?

Most of my technical comments should be correct, but is THIS one ?
Anyway, as a rule of thumb, always double check what people write.
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