Darwin or Mendel printed parts kit. £75 +shipping.
November 10, 2009 11:14AM
Inspired by the demand that seems to be here I have decided to have a go at getting a RepRap factory going.

So I'm looking for the comunitys help!

Kickstarter isnt an option (I'm UK based) so I'm making the following offer in an effort to raise capital.

The complete set of Darwin OR Mendel printed parts for £75. To be paid once in stock, before dispatch.

Alternatively £50 paid now.

Yes you will have to wait some time... I don't expect to be able to ship parts much before January. And you are taking the risk of trusting some guy on the intertubes, hence the lower price. However not only do you get the parts nice and cheap, you get the warm fuzzy feeling of helping to ensure the suppy of printed parts, hence the lower price, Also Pre-orders will be shipped first.

I will ship anywhere.

If you want to read more about what I'm thinking see this thread: [dev.forums.reprap.org]

Who's interested? Who would want a complete mechanical kit?
Who thinks I'm mad?

Thanks for your time!



Please note, this offer is now CLOSED.
Please see this thread for details of the new offer:

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 02/23/2010 07:05AM by TheRuttmeister.
Re: Darwin or Mendel printed parts kit. £75 +shipping.
November 10, 2009 11:49AM
Hey TheRuttmeister,

I've very interested in getting a complete set of mendel parts. If you're just offering the plastic parts that's still a great start. But if I could find someone who'd put together something I can receive and assemble that would be icing on the cake.

I read the article linked and can see both sides of the coin about parts creation.
I've wanted to build this project for quite awhile so I can rapid prototype parts for my own projects but can see that making a set of parts for the community first would be a lot more useful to the projects success than making my parts.

If I get a mendel assembled I'll be sure to crank out a set of parts as soon as I get reliable prints.

You can contact me at Trait13@hotmail.com

Hey, sounds like an epic idea. I trust you completely. Thank you so much!
Re: Darwin or Mendel printed parts kit. £75 +shipping.
November 10, 2009 06:44PM
Sounds like a good plan for a UK factory. In North America there are 2 groups trying similar things that I am aware of (I am working with a small group on the start of one and Benbo's group appears to be starting a second presumably competing factory-like operation).

75 pounds (~125 USD) sounds like a good price to cover costs + expand the factory.

Best of luck,
My Group
November 11, 2009 06:36PM
I don't have a group or anything more valuable then a few pictures. How much is 75 euros in USD?
Re: My Group
November 11, 2009 07:53PM
Benbo Wrote:
> I don't have a group or anything more valuable
> then a few pictures. How much is 75 euros in USD?

I was curious about that myself.

And 75 Euros is about $112. But I work in Pounds! Which as mentioned would be about $125

Or call it $85 for the pre-order price.

And thanks for the words of support guys!
Re: Darwin or Mendel printed parts kit. £75 +shipping.
November 14, 2009 04:30PM
Im relatively new to this but I would be extremely interested in ordering a set of printed parts.
Does the kit include parts for the extruder also?
Also what payment methods do you accept? paypal/visa/....
I can be reached at;
Re: Darwin or Mendel printed parts kit. £75 +shipping.
November 14, 2009 08:18PM
The printed parts for the mk2 extruder will be included yes.

And I'm using Paypal.

PM sent too.
Re: Darwin or Mendel printed parts kit. £75 +shipping.
November 15, 2009 10:52AM
Could you make me a kit of everything I need to start printing, except the ABS Plastic? I am not based where I can easily obtain hardware, due to only having a bike,and restrictive parental guidelines. By full kit, I mean the nuts and bolts and anything else I would need to make a thing except the plastic. I am willing to pay an elevated price for such a kit.
Sounds good!

If you going to start the production of the Mendel parts please contact me!
I want to by these plastic parts so i can build one of them.

Price is fair enough, just tel me when you are printing the parts
and i wil pay you before shipping the parts.

best regards

Re: Darwin or Mendel printed parts kit. £75 +shipping.
November 15, 2009 01:40PM
Benbo231 Wrote:
> Could you make me a kit of everything I need to
> start printing, except the ABS Plastic? I am not
> based where I can easily obtain hardware, due to
> only having a bike,and restrictive parental
> guidelines. By full kit, I mean the nuts and bolts
> and anything else I would need to make a thing
> except the plastic. I am willing to pay an
> elevated price for such a kit.

Sorry, but do you mean without the printed parts or without 3mm ABS fillament? And do you also need the electronics? (Until Makerbot have the assembled electronics back in stock I can make them up from the bare PCB's... but it will be more expensive.)
How much is a complete kit of the Mendel 2.0 ( the new model ) and shipping to liverpool uk ? also what is the of shippment ? please email me asp which i am very intrested in getting one of these from you and up and running

Re: Darwin or Mendel printed parts kit. £75 +shipping.
November 16, 2009 12:12PM
Gary Riding Wrote:
> How much is a complete kit of the Mendel 2.0 ( the
> new model ) and shipping to liverpool uk ? also
> what is the of shippment ? please email me asp
> which i am very intrested in getting one of these
> from you and up and running
> gary

Email sent.

But to keep everyone updated: I'm not currently offering a full Mendel kit. If people are interested I will, once I'm shipping printed parts! But if people are looking for a complete Mendel kit or even a fully assembled version please do post here or email me so I have an idea of the level of interest!



This sounds great, and I would be very interested in a Mendel parts kit.

Is your idea a definite go, or are you still testing the waters?

If you are looking for more work, a complete electronics kit would also be nice, with at least the SMT bits soldered on. Not enough time to also have to fiddle with that :-)

- Nikolaj
Re: Darwin or Mendel printed parts kit. £75 +shipping.
November 16, 2009 04:31PM
Nikolaj Wrote:
> Hi.
> This sounds great, and I would be very interested
> in a Mendel parts kit.
> Is your idea a definite go, or are you still
> testing the waters?
> If you are looking for more work, a complete
> electronics kit would also be nice, with at least
> the SMT bits soldered on. Not enough time to also
> have to fiddle with that :-)
> - Nikolaj

Hi Nikolaj!

Well, I'm accepting money and have started spending the capital I have. So yes, its a go! (And slightly scary it all is too!)

And more work is always good winking smiley

That said, whilst I'm quite happy to make up the electronics it would be considerably more expensive than Makerbot. Something in the order of £200.
I think I would be more comfortable waiting till I have a set of the Gen3 ready to sell before I accept money!
Re: Darwin or Mendel printed parts kit. £75 +shipping.
November 16, 2009 05:15PM
I think you can count on one more set of Mendel parts on my account. I most likely will be paying in advance in a few days when my sallary arrives =P

Good initiative!


Well, I'm accepting money and have started spending the capital I have. So yes, its a go! (And slightly scary it all is too!)

Excellent :-)

Could you please let me know what the shipping is to Denmark (and payment details), then I will get in line...

BTW, do you include the belt splitter jig?

- Nikolaj
I'm joining the queue. Count me in for a set Mendel parts.

Re: Darwin or Mendel printed parts kit. £75 +shipping.
November 17, 2009 03:59PM
Hello everyone.

As I have said to people who have been in contact with me off forum, this idea of mine is totaly dependant on the comunitys trust in me. So to keep everything open:

Today I have found out that work will be taking me away for the next 2 months.

This is not the end of the world!

However it has forced a change to my timescale. Because of this I have stopped taking pre-orders. My plans have not changed, but I know my time to work on this will now be more limited in the short term. For this reason I want to limit the current paid orders.
(Although I will have a bit more capital of my own to burn!)
I hope that this will all just delay me a few weeks.

I apologise to anyone who feels I am letting them down, and I hope I will be able to reward peoples patience with me.

If you do want to chat to me, let me know you're not interested any more, or offer a pre-order deposit anyway (who knows, you might be as crazy as me!)... as always please email me:


Thanks for your support so far,


Oh, and yes, I would include the belt splitter jig... unless I was providing pre-split belts!
i am interested in a full kit (the basic model) to be able to start tinkering. this includes all plastic, metal, nuts and bolts and the electronics needed.

Is anyone offerinf such a kit so all i have to do it assemble and start having some fun?

I like in the UK and would appreciate any help i can get to get my first reprap up and running.

Thank you
Re: Darwin or Mendel printed parts kit. £75 +shipping.
November 19, 2009 02:22PM
Michael Wrote:
> i am interested in a full kit (the basic model) to
> be able to start tinkering. this includes all
> plastic, metal, nuts and bolts and the electronics
> needed.
> Is anyone offerinf such a kit so all i have to do
> it assemble and start having some fun?
> I like in the UK and would appreciate any help i
> can get to get my first reprap up and running.
> Thank you

Quite a few people have asked me about a complete kit, so I am working on a price. Due to my current work commitments I won't be able to offer anything before febuary!
hi mate, count me in on the mendel parts too,, what is the time scale looking ? and did u get any pictures of any of the parts u have printed up to now

email me and let me know all info about payment and etc

Re: Darwin or Mendel printed parts kit. £75 +shipping.
November 20, 2009 05:16PM
might also be interested in a set
Re: Darwin or Mendel printed parts kit. £75 +shipping.
November 21, 2009 11:27AM
I might be interested in a set of printed mendel parts, but I'd like to know more about the time frame involved. Assuming I got my order in, or place in line, within the next week what sort of date might I expect delivery? A ballpark figure or rough estimate would be very helpful in determining my interest.
Re: Darwin or Mendel printed parts kit. £75 +shipping.
November 21, 2009 08:10PM

I would be extremely interested in a full set of printed parts.

Am in the process of gathering all other parts and am in need of these.

When would I be able to order etc.?

I'm interested in a set of mendel parts. I'm in Malaysia, how much will it cost for shipping?

How do i pay?
Sounds like a great initiative.
I'd be interested in a full kit if possible.
Re: Darwin or Mendel printed parts kit. £75 +shipping.
November 25, 2009 09:23PM
I'm very interested in Mendel parts.
Can you also provide the lasercut thick sheet?

Also, how much would the full mech kit (without the extruder bits, motors, and electronics) cost?

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 11/25/2009 09:35PM by ziplock.

"Day breaks, but decay soon follows."
Re: Darwin or Mendel printed parts kit. £75 +shipping.
November 27, 2009 09:30AM
Hi everyone!

Sorry to anyone I haven't emailed back, I will try and get to you as soon as I can, even if its just to let you know that I got your email!

I am keeping an eye on this thread, so please to keep posting!

As soon as things with work have calmed down I will be cracking on as much as I can, and I'll put up pics as soon as I have them.

Thanks everyone!
full kit here please..
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