Years ago I wanted to develop a powder based metal printer and build a plattform for the laser head development. Then I did my master thesis at the Fraunhofer institute for laser technics and experienced a bad accident with metal powders. Therefore I ended my intentions with powder based metal printing and turned to wire printing.
Nevertheless the development base, I've build, is finished and can be used for other powder based printing experiments/development. As printing head could a laser (SLS/SLM) or a ink jet (3DP) be used.
I had build the focus ( and everything than the printing head is done and should still be working.
I want to sell this base (getting space is more important than money) to get some room back in my workshop. Anyone interested to get a cheap base for powder based printing?
It is in germany, near Bonn/Cologne, I guess it can be shipped easily. I also have some steel batch (different grain sizes for experimenting) powders I could give away.
I also can pass pictures and documentations (master project documentation) from my early trials. I printed some primitive beam like figures from steel.
I'll add a laser driver prototype with plans how it has been developed. I remember the driver to be very energy has been some time since we build it though
See also the thread in the powder printer development part of the forum:,831912,832272#REPLY