People to Participate in a 3D Printing Holiday Pop Up in NYC
October 31, 2012 03:20PM

I'm coordinating a 3D printing holiday pop up shop in NYC Nov. 29 - Dec. 27.

3DEA, the holiday pop-up shop will be one of the first stores of its kind to host a consultant to connect your idea to 3D modelers, a display of 3D printers, stations to test drive 3D software, kiosks to easily customize gifts, exhibits of 3D printed products, a scanning station, classes and more.

The demographic we are targeting is first and foremost anyone despite industry or age - anyone who's interested in learning about 3D printing.

Event-wise, we are bringing in the local NY Shapeways and software user groups. We will hold talks for 3D printing users including workshops on preparing files to print, artists to talk about their work, 3D printer builders who are demoing new DIY printers. We are bringing together the local colleges with similar tracks of fabrication labs to provide 3D modeling for printing classes on weekends.
With children, we are providing a full-time ipad doodle-to-print station. We are reaching out to the Children's Museum to offer sculpting sessions and Eyebeam residents for stop-motion workshops.

We're looking for anyone who may be interested in making a little extra money for the month of December to staff the shop. The tasks would be to introduce the public to 3D printing, possibly make sure the in-store printers are working, prompt people to try out 3d modeling software and such.

We're also looking for experienced 3D modelers who may be interested in having us contact you to pair you up with a customer who needs a modeler.

Please email: if interested.
Re: People to Participate in a 3D Printing Holiday Pop Up in NYC
November 05, 2012 06:41AM
Anybody who replied to the email:

Sorry, but I just found out recently that the email was not properly set up. It is working now.
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