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printed parts

Posted by naylorfoundry 
printed parts
February 26, 2009 06:54PM
I'm trying to get my parts in order. Looking for all printed parts. Will pay mat. and shipping costs plus extra.

If i'm not able to readily get parts I'm thinking about other options. If I can get the extruder parts and one of each other parts I can make aluminum castings at work for the rest.

If I'm going the casting route I would need slightly oversized parts to compensate for shrinkage.
Re: printed parts
August 30, 2009 03:17PM
Hi Joe.

Many people have asked for parts.

Unfortunately, at the moment, it takes considerable effort and time to print off a complete set of parts for a reprap. Most of those with a working reprap are also working hard on their own projects and maintaining their own repraps, so have limited time and effort. This means that it often takes a personal connection to get the process started.

However, there are several sources of the parts:

You can buy a full kit (a slightly different version) from Makerbot:

You can buy a Full kit from BitsFromBytes (uk)

You can get the parts made from a 3-d printing service like Ponoko:
You can get parts lasercut by Ponoko:

Try and find a local lasercutting/3-d printing service and get the parts made locally.

Try and get together with a local school/college/university as they often have production facilities, like lasercutters.

If you have access to a CNC milling machine or 3-d positioning robot, get/build an extruder and mount that on the existing robot.

Or - the most work (but a lower cost) is to build a low-tech 3-d platform yourself and print out your own parts. This is called a 'RepStrap' solution - there are some basic plans, but they are often adapted to what is available or easily obtainable in your area. Check out the Builder's wiki:


There are several RepStrap blogs, describing progress building RepStrap machines.

Good luck and let us know how you get on!

Reprapping blog and other rants: [renoirsrants.blogspot.com]
My Reprap: [sites.google.com]
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