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Raprap parts in Canada

Posted by lcomtois 
Raprap parts in Canada
August 14, 2009 08:57AM
I am looking for printed parts in Canada. Anyone can sell me printed parts ?
Re: Raprap parts in Canada
August 21, 2009 01:07PM
I'm am looking to build a reprap. Is there anyone in Ontario, Canada who has the parts?

Re: Raprap parts in Canada
August 30, 2009 03:15PM
Hi Joe.

Many people have asked for parts.

Unfortunately, at the moment, it takes considerable effort and time to print off a complete set of parts for a reprap. Most of those with a working reprap are also working hard on their own projects and maintaining their own repraps, so have limited time and effort. This means that it often takes a personal connection to get the process started.

However, there are several sources of the parts:

You can buy a full kit (a slightly different version) from Makerbot:

You can buy a Full kit from BitsFromBytes (uk)

You can get the parts made from a 3-d printing service like Ponoko:
You can get parts lasercut by Ponoko:

Try and find a local lasercutting/3-d printing service and get the parts made locally.

Try and get together with a local school/college/university as they often have production facilities, like lasercutters.

If you have access to a CNC milling machine or 3-d positioning robot, get/build an extruder and mount that on the existing robot.

Or - the most work (but a lower cost) is to build a low-tech 3-d platform yourself and print out your own parts. This is called a 'RepStrap' solution - there are some basic plans, but they are often adapted to what is available or easily obtainable in your area. Check out the Builder's wiki:


There are several RepStrap blogs, describing progress building RepStrap machines.

Good luck and let us know how you get on!

Reprapping blog and other rants: [renoirsrants.blogspot.com]
My Reprap: [sites.google.com]
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