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Mendel Parts (Germany): 150€

Posted by telepath 
Mendel Parts (Germany): 150€
December 01, 2009 08:56AM
a friend and me are planning to build a mendel each, but we need one set of parts first.
Anyone in Germany or Europe willing to sell us one set?


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 12/09/2009 07:39AM by telepath.
Re: Mendel Parts (Germany)
December 01, 2009 11:28AM
Maybe its a little too early, but Im intend to sell full mechanical kit (for mendel).

But I need to kick off some bottleneck before. I only printed half set of a mendel...

The job needs to be not underestimated, a full set of Mendel parts counts 98 pieces from which are 42 individual. There are a handfull parts which prints under an hour at 16mm/s. And there are parts which prints under a full day. (to avoid warping).

So be a bit patience...

Im in EU, so shipping to Germany is the second easiest.
Re: Mendel Parts (Germany)
December 01, 2009 02:23PM
I haven't planned for the metal parts, because I don't think those will be a problem.
I expect it would be easier to get those here than send them, especialy since we need two sets of those.

But I'd really appreciate the extruded parts.
Re: Mendel Parts (Germany)
December 09, 2009 07:38AM
I'm a bit of the impatient type, so I'll try another approach here:

I'm offering up to 150€ for a full set of reprapped mendel parts, to be delivered within 3 weeks to me in Germany.

I know it's a lot of work but there simply is no way to get a mendel together without those printed parts, and I'm willing to pay for your work!
Re: Mendel Parts (Germany): 150€
December 09, 2009 06:49PM
> I know it's a lot of work but there simply is no way to get a mendel
> together without those printed parts, and I'm willing to pay for your
> work!

If you really want to pay somebody's work, keep in mind, that printing a full set is about 2 weeks. Im already printing since 3 weeks (ok Im fighting with bugs. keep finetuning), so I assume 2 weeks can be achieved.

So paying 150 euro for 2 weeks of work...

Its better to be patient.

Oh and by the way I already printed 1kg of ABS fully. And Im about 2/3 of the total parts or less. So the material costs will be for me about 100 EUR... (1kg ABS = 45 GBP)

I dont think anyone can propose mendel parts for the public before they have at least 10 machines up and runnig 24/7.
Re: Mendel Parts (Germany): 150€
December 10, 2009 02:46AM
Of course, when calculating the time and material the whole project is quite ridiculous.
I was calculating a little less ABS for quite less the price: jglauche sells 5kg for 100€ at [www.reprapsource.de] in Germany.

As stated there is no other way, so I have to try and get the parts somehow besides the fact that there are dozens of other people alone in europe searching as well...

Anyway, since by now you are the only one who has offered to help, I really thank you for your effords, and I hope I'll be able to join the effords some time next year smiling smiley
Re: Mendel Parts (Germany): 150€
December 10, 2009 09:22AM
> Anyway, since by now you are the only one who has offered to help, I
> really thank you for your effords, and I hope I'll be able to join the
> effords some time next year smiling smiley

I have thinked about my (ongoing) shop a lot lately. And I came to the conclusion that I will sell the complete Mendel kit in two options:
1. You pay it fully.
2. You pay the part of it, but in return you need to print two sets as payback and send back to me.

Im also thinking along the line of having a material buying option something like this:
You get free twice as many plastic as required to print the mendel, if you send back one set. (ie. you can get the plastic for "free").

I also want to build some Mendels for me, because until now I have only one machine up and running.

How is it sounding? Any objections?
Re: Mendel Parts (Germany): 150€
December 10, 2009 10:43AM
The "get one, give two" option certainly harmonizes with the philosophy of the projekt. I can't really estimate the time needed to get a reprap running smoothly enough to make the mendel parts (you say yourself that you had some problems), so I don't know if it's really practical.
But it certainly is a good way to distribute the work and to motivate the buyer to give something back to the community (in a way).
It's a matter of the price, I'm not sure if I would like it better to send the kits back to you or if I would simply sell some myself, but the concept is interesting.

After all, I need to print one set for my friend anyway. And maybe some more after my friends see how cool the reprap is winking smiley
Re: Mendel Parts (Germany): 150€
December 10, 2009 03:46PM
> I can't really estimate the time needed to get a reprap running
> smoothly enough to make the mendel parts (you say yourself that you had
> some problems), so I don't know if it's really practical.

After you finished one set of Mendel parts, you have learned and finetuned your machine. I would advise to anybody who gets a machine start printing at least one kg of filement, to get know the printing process.

But I intend to build a community around Mendel printing. In that way others can help, and pointing out any of the printing faults.

Needs to verify how is it working in the practice;-)

Best regards,
Re: Mendel Parts (Germany): 150€
December 12, 2009 03:02PM
Well, the urgency just decreased by a whole lot.
The electronics makerbot got yesterday are sold out.
So I don't think I'll be able to to anything until like February.

angry smiley
Re: Mendel Parts (Germany): 150€
December 12, 2009 07:38PM
I and two other friends are also interested in building Mendel RepRap machines - and like everyone else need at least one full set of plastic parts to build the first machine.

So I would definitely be interested in a set of parts.
I live in Wörth am Rhein (76744) and work in Karlsruhe.
Re: Mendel Parts (Germany): 150€
February 10, 2010 07:21AM
Hi Laszlo,

I am interested in your "give two, get one" option. I can definitely send you twice the amount of ABS needed for a set of parts in exchange for a set of Mendel parts.

I don't know if your reprap is still printing now, I hope you managed to fine tune it. If you are interested, can you PM me please? I live in Scotland, I hope it is not too difficult for you to send me the parts.


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