Hey all,

Looking for the Sanguino Mootherboard and extruder controller board,

I swear, Makerbot has been worthless every step of the way.

Thank for your time,
Re: Need Sanguino Mobo and extruder controller boards
December 17, 2009 02:25AM
where are you located? I'll be bringing in some motherboad v1.2 and extruder v2.2's, but my guess is that they'll only be here mid january (maybe earlier depending on the holiday season). Do you just need the PCB's or also components or fully assembled?

I'm situated in Belgium by the way.
Re: Need Sanguino Mobo and extruder controller boards
December 21, 2009 10:35PM
Makerbot has the full kit in stock now, and so are the individual boards.
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