I am using Pronterface with Gen4 makerbot electronica on a non typical printer. I do not use the extruder controller. I use PID controllers for the extruder and print bed, this works fine for me. my question is Pronterface keeps scrolling "!!EXTRUDER CONTROLLER NONRESPONSIVE" I just want to know if there is a way for me to get it to stop saying that.by Jeff B - General
Any one attending Maker Fair NC on June 18? Just wondering if anyone from here will be thereby Jeff B - General
So i have finaly switched over to a stepper extruder using gen 3 electronics minus the extruder controller with a standalone stepper driver running the extruder, it works. My problem is in the fine details, it seams to pause with short line segments, failing some prints and making others impossible. I have changed: // The speed at which to talk with the host computer; default is 19200= #defineby Jeff B - Firmware - mainstream and related support
I did as suggested and the resulting Gcode looks much batter, ill probably get to print it sometime next week, thanks alot for the help! jeffby Jeff B - General
I would look at makerbot industries, all of their products are open source, and they seam to be making money.by Jeff B - General
Ive made the changes suggested and changed my fill values to be closer to yours, to see what happens, ill post a picture when i get to printing another part. I appreciate the help, Jeffby Jeff B - General
thats an excellent request, here it is, password is reprap. STL My generated Gcode this part took like 15-20 min on my computer, I included my gcode so you could skienview it if you would like to compare. The STL was generated in Autodesk Inventor 2010, when skeining in I did get some dangling edge errors but the skienview looked fine.by Jeff B - General
First off I will start with 2 pictures: From Boxed ReprapFrom Boxed Reprap I am printing on a repstrap with natural ABS, using Gen 3 electronics, RepG 20 and the newest firmware for the Makerbot with MK5 extruder. I am using the MK5 extruder with a heated bed platform lined with PET. I print from the SD card. My Print head prints at 430 F/ 221 C and the heated bed at 225 F/ 107 C. Also Skeiby Jeff B - General
Im going to add, that no matter what method is chosen, please be extremely careful as this project could remove a finger or arm in an instant.by Jeff B - General
So I can assume that RepG communicates in a much different way, that is less efficient and slower? Making printing from SD card almost mandatory for any print with small details AKA timing pulleys?by Jeff B - General
Great looking printer, are you releasing your firmware changes for your lcd addition? richrap Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Really nice job, I will take a look at the blog > later. > > You can always upgrade to ballscrews to get the > speed up, or print yourself a Mendel ! > > Have you found any issues with the dual x axis > motors?by Jeff B - General New Machines Topics
how does it get past the slowness of the serial connection in small details with quick sudden changes in direction?by Jeff B - General
i found a vita mix blade on ebay: RR a container for it (it threads in) RR the adapter to hook a motor straight to it clamp to bench, testby Jeff B - General
If you look around you can probaly find one of those motors for free, it may just have a bad cap, put a new cap in it and it may work. also if you buy it new, it would probably also be powerful enough for the saw blade idea, one motor can help with many different experiments. I dont doubt the capabilities of the blendtec blender in reducing plastic to a powder for our uses, it just costs to mucby Jeff B - General
I was re-watching some of the will it blend videos and the plastic parts the put in the blender were turned into a very fine powder, and these were phone shaped objects. I really think this would be a great way to go. The only downside is that the blendtec blender is like 400$, but the real question is, will a cheaper model do it?, can we hook up an insanely large motor to a cheap blender and mby Jeff B - General
how about a coffee grinder? I dont know if its internals are strong enough or if it could even come close, but it is probably able to be modified. Also a paper shredder comes to mind for a first process on the plastic, just take the protective cover off and watch where you put your fingers, after that use the coffee grinder. You can even use a blender to turn rice in to an extremely fine powderby Jeff B - General
This is copied and pasted from my blog, I thought it may help some people on here with its simplicity. If you would like to see pictures visit my blog at: also part numbers for the heaters are a few posts down in blog. So over the past few days I have worked on my heated bed, and have finally completed it and tested it. My heated bed consists of: 1 .25" x 12" x 12" piece of 5052 Aluminum 2 1by Jeff B - General
Here is a render of my boxed reprap with the full size Mendel sitting on its print bed, the z is a few inches to short, but I could defiantly print it out if it was possible. but since my printer cant print anything over 3 inches right now without warping I would have to have one hell of a heated bed.by Jeff B - RepLab Working Group
Here is a link to my repstrap blog: if there are any questions, remarks, or ideas post them here, thanks! jeffBby Jeff B - General New Machines Topics
have you posted the inventor project online? will you? if you do ill look through the parts and try to print one on my repstrapby Jeff B - General
theres another machines.xml file on your hard drive i think its like c://users/current user name/.replicatorgby Jeff B - General
So I have it all wired back up finally im using: RepRap-gen3-firmware-2009-08-05 and the fiveD firmware to test on the two hosts. It seams that it will not read the thermistor value. I checked for voltage accross the thermistor input and it read just under 5 volts. I tried to check the resistance on the 4.7k resistor but its so small and I dont think I got a accurate reading, multimeter did notby Jeff B - Controllers
So it has been almost a year since i have tried to finish my repstrap. When I stopped I had just fried my extruder Controller v2.2. I am almost positive that I shorted the leads on the thermistor. Where should I start to diagnose this board? If i shorted the thermistor is it repairable? MakerBot just seams to never have any in stock, and I would rather fix this one than have to wait for a newby Jeff B - Controllers
Its going the right direction now, the erratic nature wasn't happening with a load, it seams that my problem is happening because I do not have the shaft properly supported when pressure is applied to the filament. My tolerances when locating the bearing hole seams to be to loose or I wasn't taking enough time to do it correctly. So I'm going to remake some parts and try at it again. Thanks foby Jeff B - RepRap Host
I am using the extruder board. I have the pwm in the code turned to the max of 255, assuming that is the max. My motor seams to have odd steps no mater what orientation the wires are in, except when the motor is going counter clockwise. supposedly my nema 17 steppers are 75 oz-in they are model number 4218 on this page and if I am correct is 5.4 kg-cmby Jeff B - RepRap Host
wade, I tried it your way and the motor seams to go the right direction and then it moves back. I believe i have tried every combination of wires. Ive looked through all the firmware code that im using I have not seen any config for reversing the motor. I may just modify my feeder assembly. Or go to a gear motor.by Jeff B - RepRap Host
I have a working stepper extruder, except it constantly turns in the wrong direction, I could fix this by a slight redesign of my extruder, but it seams that there should be a setting somewhere in the code. I have looked through the config files of the 5d code (extruder and motherboard), I looked at the config files in the reprap host software, I even tried swapping the wires around (didn't worby Jeff B - RepRap Host
It ended up not having a bootloader on it, I then messed it up bu trying to load one on it, I ended up ordering a new one.by Jeff B - Controllers
just invert the x and y axis, I believe there is a option in the firmware.by Jeff B - RepRap Host
So I can assume by looking at the schematic that pin 12 on the stepper driver 2.3 is high by default, resulting in the driver being in half step mode? Thanks for all the very informative information.by Jeff B - Controllers