I'm in the process of upgrading my already highly modified UMO for higher temperatures. Given that the build chamber will be running hotter, I decided to connect a 500C thermistor and pullup resistor rather than exposing the thermocouple amplifier to increased heat. (I've already moved the stepper motors to outside the enclosure.) The weather is still pretty chilly here in north-central Idaho anby calinb - Firmware - Marlin
That's what I figured but could not find it anywhere in the tabs ("Platter," "Print Settings," Filament Settings," etc.). Rather, it is in "File" >> "Preferences." So simple, but your assistance was tremendously helpful, Floyd! Thanks!by calinb - General
When I move the model, it just snaps back to the center. Can anyone tell me how to place the model where I want it to print? Thanks so much! -Calby calinb - General
Gorilla glass? Well, I've tried just about every bed surface for Taulman 618 and Oregon Gatorline trimmer line and a very thinly applied, dry film of Gorilla Glue on 70C glass provides the best adhesion (and a nice glossy surface finish) of everything I've tried (Garolite, cotton and linen canvas, poplar, PVA on glass, cardboard, PCB board, etc.). GG (a single part urethane) is my holy grail forby calinb - Reprappers
I'm using 1/16" Garolite LE or CE (LE or sanded CE is best) bonded to aluminum Mic-6 bed plate using water soluble wood glue. The thicker Garolite is often badly warped from the manufacturer--too warped to machine and use without the Mic-6 plate. The Garolite can be renewed, when necessary (not very often) by soaking the plate in a bucket of water. The 1/16" sheets are flexible and bond to providby calinb - General
I taught myself how to run a mill, lathe, and 3D printer. I found the learning learning curves required to effectively produce work with the mill or lathe to be shallower than the 3D printer! Like a 3D printer, hobby mills and lathes fit on a desktop or kitchen table and, in general, they produce more efficacious firearm parts than 3D printers. For a hobby gunsmith, the overall costs are similarby calinb - General
From the NY Times article: “Our interest was to see if the manufacturing of a working gun using this technology is possible,” said Karl-Heinz Grundböck, a spokesman for the Austrian Interior Ministry, which performed the test in May. “The answer was a very clear ‘Yes.’ ” It is also possible to achieve the same end result after a trip to the local hardware store (saving the cost of the 3D printeby calinb - General
I think black ABS can be problematic, because it's easy to hide all colors of recycled ABS in black. I second Ultimachine. Their black is very good, but it likes nozzle temps higher than most. I've also had good results with Lulz ABS, but I've not tried Lulz black.by calinb - General
A2 Wrote: > Heavy paper stock sounds good, but I think it will > delaminate? > Maybe a sacrificial sheet of paper glued to a > plate of glass will work? > It actually didn't delaminate. The problem was my hot-swappable glass plates are only 2.5 thick and they are normally clamped to my 5/16" thick heated Mic-6 aluminum bed (and I've not found the heat to be useful for nylon). Thby calinb - General
My 1/4" Garolite is warped so badly, it can't reasonably be machined flat (I'd waste nearly half of it and also the cutting too like, as A2 advised) nor can it be pulled flat using any reasonable sheet of glass (the glass is likely to break first, because the Garolite is very, very stiff). The only prospect for using the Garolite is to at least level it significantly with heat and pressure. Tauby calinb - General
Tom at Taulman 3D and I have been discussing methods for flattening the sheets. Just heating the Garolite, as I do to dry 618, has no effect on it. The process will require both heat and a press, I think. I have a 5/16" Mic-6 bed and thinner Garolite probably would be better for me, because it would be easier to flatten with clamps on my bed. However, if the thinner sheet is warped like my 1/4"by calinb - General
Thanks, aduy! I'll try that too.by calinb - General
As recommended by Taulman 3D, I purchased the Garolite LE (12" x 12" x 1/4") part number 8474K141 for printing 618 nylon. As delivered, it is unusable as a print bed, because I measured the middle of the sheet and it dips more than 0.1" from the edges (also highly visible w/o measurement). Furthermore, the sheet is very stiff and I do not believe it can be pulled or clamped flat onto the bed orby calinb - General
No--that 45mm / sec extruder maximum is set quite high for retraction (negative motion of the filament), presumably, which can be much higher than actual extrusion (positive motion of the filament), because there is little resistance during retraction. The extrusion feed rate required varies with the line width, layer thickness, and linear speed of the head. The product of all three gives you yby calinb - General
Has anyone ever built a MendelMax90? Any information, ideas, or thoughts are much appreciated!by calinb - General Mendel Topics
jbernardis Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Kaptan tape works well, but trying to get > the tape stuck down properly with no bubbles and > no overlap is quite frustrating. Try soapy water on both sides of the Kapton tape and a plastic squeegee. The moisture will evaporate (don't heat your bed beyond 100 C too quickly or you'll just get more bubbles) anby calinb - Printing
Sure--I would not hesitate to print, as-is. Only the base will likely print well without support, however.by calinb - Printing
I'm assembling an Ultimaker and adding a heated bed to make parts for my commercial product. I'd be very interested in testing materials that are heavy or rubbery, and very impact resistant. Thanks!by calinb - General
The Silence Wrote: > The numbers you > put up for the replicater 2 for positioning are > utterly worthless when printing. Just because the > replicater 2 is able to move it's z bed in > 0.0025mm incriments, dosen't mean it's able to > print at that height. It can onlt print at a layer > height of 0.1mm. Which makes me think you either > know nothing about 3D printers or aby calinb - General
The Silence Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > There is no comparison between the printers > > Replicater 2 > XY resolution= maybe 3mm > Z resolution= 0.1mm > > Form Labs > > XY resolution= 0.3mm!!!!! > Z resolution = 0.025mm HOLY SHIT!! > > I rest my case, and I could give a f**k what it > looks like as long as it can prinby calinb - General