I am using ABS. I thought I might be extruding too much, and the lumpiness on the outer edges would probably agree with that, but my infill on the bottom isn't quite solid, which would indicate not enough extrusion. Link abovve each picture if they don't display right. http://braindispenser.com/pics/2013-09-13%2017.21.40.jpg http://braindispenser.com/pics/2013-09-13%2017.21.40.jpg http:/by TheFerminator - Reprappers
I've been trying to print emmit's gear bearing, and several other things that are supposed to have moving parts. On the first couple layers there are visible gaps between the parts, but as it gets to the higher layers the parts appear to get bigger and fuse together. Any idea what my problem is? I will try to get some pictures this evening.by TheFerminator - Reprappers
I started with white lithium grease, but that collected dirt way too fast, and ended up causing a lot of problems. I switched to a light motor oil since I had a couple quarts laying around, and that has been working great.by TheFerminator - Reprappers
I am looking at adding a paste extruder, because I won't need to get another hot end, and I could print ceramics. I guess I could just use clay and wash it off later, but I think something sugar based would disolve faster. I may just have to experiment, and share what I find.by TheFerminator - Reprappers
Yup, no continuity across D1 in either direction(diode should limit the current to one). Is it just a generic rectifier diode? I think I have a bunch of those around here somewhere.by TheFerminator - Reprappers
according to the RAMPS 1.4 page D1 feeds the Arduino. I am going to test it now.by TheFerminator - Reprappers
Hello I am planning on making a paste extruder to use for support structures. Any good ideas for a good stiff paste that would disolve in water? I've thought about using clay, or frosting. The problem with clay is it is hard to get to a good consistancy and keep it there. Most frosting recipies call for dairy products and eggs or shortening. I don't want something that will spoil or get my printeby TheFerminator - Reprappers
Between adjusting power levels and tightening my set screw I have eliminated both problems. USB 3.0 is backwards compatible with 2.0 so that shouldn't have caused any problems for you unless there was a faulty connection involved.by TheFerminator - Reprappers
I got a pair of these on Amazon and they have been working great for me. Amazonby TheFerminator - Reprappers
I think I blew the fuse that powers my Arduino from the 12V input on the RAMPS board. Does anyone know which fuse/diode is responsible for this, and where I can get a replacement?by TheFerminator - Reprappers
The barrel makes it so I can at least print something, but I still get jams more often than I would like. It mostly happens when it is doing infill, and not extruding as fast. I'm going to try making the grooves deeper in the stock gear, and if that doesn't do the trick I will order a different one. Thank you for the suggestions.by TheFerminator - Reprappers
Coils could replace the magnets in motors, but it would take more space and probably not be as strong. There are also 3D printed paste extruders, and I am sure there are conductive/semiconductive clays out there. The biggest problem would be the controllers. Anything that could be printed with current nozzle diameters would probably fill a room. We definately don't have to wory about them reproduby TheFerminator - Reprappers
If you could cool the solder as it is extruded you might be able to reduce the problems with surface tension. the outside of the nozzle would also have to have a coating so the solder didn't just stick to it.by TheFerminator - Reprappers
I adjusted the power to the Z-axis and it is homing from any distance now. And I noticed that the set screw had come loose on my Y-axis belt puley. I tightened it, but didn't get the chance to test it yet. I will also try adjusting the power to that motor, because with the flat that I added to the motor the puley wasn't slipping enough to account for all the drifting I was seeing.by TheFerminator - Reprappers
So do I need to adjust the potentiometer on my stepper driver?by TheFerminator - Reprappers
Hey guys I'm having problems. First off my Y axis keeps drifting back and forth during prints. It didn't do this with my first couple prints, but now I can't get it to stop. I've flatted my motor shaft and tightened my belt as much as I can, but neither has seemed to fix the problem. Second, I can't home my Z-axis unless it starts off touching the endstop. otherwise it just sits there and buzby TheFerminator - Reprappers
Hey everyone, I was just wondering why I haven't seen any self oiling systems for 3d printer rods. These systems are(or were) fairly common on farm equipment that was used around large amounts of dust and therefore required frequent lubrication. The system usually consisted of an oil resivoir that gravity fed multiple nozzles that had some sort of mechanism that released oil slowly as the partby TheFerminator - Reprappers
Is anyone working on a reprap tool for depositing paper like this printer(mcortechnologies) does? It would be interesting if there was an open-source version we could mess with.by TheFerminator - Reprappers
Too bad it isn't available as a nook book as well.by TheFerminator - Reprappers
I'll try that if the barrel isn't enough, my gear seems to grip fine until the nozzle clogs.by TheFerminator - Reprappers
I sent him an email. Unfortunately I don't have the equipment to make the modifications myself. Are his barrels like the one you made?by TheFerminator - Reprappers
I think I blew the diode or fuse that powers the arduino, which one would that be?by TheFerminator - Reprappers
Yes I am using ramps, I am using 1.75mm ABS. I will check the barrel and the nozzle.by TheFerminator - Reprappers
I just finished building, and now my extruder keeps stripping a spot on the filament rather than extruding. Also, my extruder has a fan that I have no idea where to connect. My build: Frame - Original PrintrBot with additional support for Z motors. Electronics - Ultimate kit from reprapdiscount Extruder - QU-BD extruder with their motor, assembled by me I have tried adjusting the filamenby TheFerminator - Reprappers
must have something to do with the 5V line, because I can see the display when I connect the board to my computer, but I want to be able to see the display without the computer, because that is the whole point!by TheFerminator - Reprappers
I connected sig to vcc, gnd to -, and vcc to sig. These are makerbot endstops with LEDs if that makes any difference.by TheFerminator - Reprappers
I wasn't paying attention this morning and accidentally hooked up one of my endstops backwards on my RAMPS 1.4 board. when I pressed it everything turned off and when I released it it came on, all except the display. Has anyone else done this? Is there a way to fix it? I would really like to be able to use the display.by TheFerminator - Reprappers
This issue has been dealt with before. Here on the Reprap Forumsby TheFerminator - General
Hello, I am working on configuring repetier-firmware for my printer. Does anyone have the settings for the QU-BD extruder? I can't find it on their website anywhere.by TheFerminator - Reprappers
Problem solved, now it is time to start configuring repetier-firmware.....by TheFerminator - Reprappers