this is my edited firmware running the maschine: i im proud so far, it was not easy to fish all important informations out of the net, but i have documentated them in the configuration.h i wish, someone could help me on the following, because it is really a level too high for me. i want to have this fantastic automatisation installed, but i am not sure, which parts of the firmware is to alterby lux_Linutz - Reprappers
m( hi. ich bin gejapicat worden. um im Neusprech des oben ganannten englischen Beitrags zu bleiben. und nun steh ich da. es ist nicht der J-Rev, sondern das Vorgängermodell, das bei mir (zum Glück) ankam. leider hatte es weder eine Firmware aufgespielt, noch ist der Bot getestet worden- na ich bin dennoch heilfroh über meinen ersten Schritt in die RepRap-Gemeinde. sagen wir, über den ersten halby lux_Linutz - Offtopic
Tesla3D Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > trying to make up your owns facts to > fit your own profile of Japica. well, hi. i got japicad. you can read the sad story of my first steps in the world of 3D-prinitng on my Thingiverse-account. there you can find a lil vid of the bot Benjamin McDaniel has sent. actually, i was impressed of the concept and design beby lux_Linutz - General
this is the status quo: i figured out everything my own, this is my first forum i am asking for help, the youngsters of that club who had uploaded their firmware to test the axis are out of reach now. and they didnt explained anything to me, so i discovered slic3r, skeinforge, arduino mega2560, pronterface, configuration.h on my journey through the jungle. with zero knowdlege from before i amby lux_Linutz - Reprappers
hi. in this first post i want to tell my story, so you can get me knowing a bit, in the second i want to show my effort and how far i came. so if you dont have much time but want to help, just skip the part to the very end to "what i am working on right now". and please forgive me my not even average english it has been a while since i found out about this glorious movement. i am pretty sure,by lux_Linutz - Reprappers