Hello Cybermastif, Thanks for your message. > Now I do have a question. Can you tell me more > about the dual extruder setup? Why did you choose > to go with E3D all metal hot-ends? And what > Extruder is that? Was the setup very different? > Are you losing build volume with that setup? Well, I was looking for an all metal hot-end to be able to print at any temperature andby franck - General Mendel Topics
Hello mattmc, > 1. Modified Idler bearings > I can't tell from your picture, did you have to > reprint some parts? How does a 4mm bearing work > with an 8mm X axis? I had to re-print the idler holders for X and Y. The X one is the black plastic part which slides into the x-end. I think that the x-end for 624 bearings is also a bit different if you get it for 624 idler bearings butby franck - General Mendel Topics
Hi millerii, I am not an expert and I guess there could be many reasons but I got a similar problem with my extruder at some point and it turned to be the bolts which tensions the spring getting sort of jammed. Let me try to explain: for the spring to do its job properly the hinge has to move smoothly. In my case the threads of the bolt holding the spring were rubbing on the holes and created sby franck - General
@SanjayM: Sorry for the delay, I did not see your post:-) For PLA, my direct drive extruder works just as good as the geared Wade's extruder I was using before but it also works with flexible material and it is much smaller. My previous extruder was not able to drive the flexible polyester at all, it would just curl around the hobbed bolt. The flexible polyester I am using comes from plastic2priby franck - General
Hello! Here is an update on my Prusa i3. The main modifications are: * Changed the idler bearings to 624Z bearings. It looks nicer and works better than with the 608Z and plastic guides. * Added a heat bed to ease the adhesion. I am very happy with it, the first layers are much cleaner than with blue tape. * Replaced the J-Head hot-end by a couple of E3D all metal hot-end. I can now print higby franck - General Mendel Topics
Hello, You should be able to tell by the size of the barrel. If you can fit 3mm filament (or a 3mm drill bit) then it is a 3mm hot-end. However, it is possible to use it with 1.75 filament. The one I bought was advertised to be compatible with both filament size. The trick is to put a small piece of PTFE tubing into the barrel to reduce its diameter (the tube is on the right side of the attachedby franck - General Mendel Topics
Hello, 2.2 steps per mm seems very low to me. I would expect between 100 and 500 depending on your setup. That might explain why the motor is not moving (or actually moving very very slow). You can try to set it to 100 and see if that makes any difference. Cheers! Franckby franck - General Mendel Topics
Thanks for posting, I got exactly the same problem and saved a lot of time by finding your post! :-) Cheers!by franck - Firmware - mainstream and related support
Hello guys, I got a couple of E3D hot end some days ago, so far they look great and work perfectly, thanks. (I have the 4.1 version) Because I had problems extruding flexible material with my geared extruder, I made an attempt at designing a more compact extruder with tight filament guides. It is based on a Mk8 drive gear and a 5x10x5 bearing as the idler. Here is a short video of it: The Sby franck - General
Hello, I am in the process of tuning my newly built Prusa i3 and I have some issue finding the right parameters to tweak in order to fix some issues with the infill of my first layers. I am using Repetier firmware/host and Slic3r 0.9.10b. The basic calibration seams quite ok and I am getting very usable parts but my first layers often look quite ugly. Here is a picture of the first layer of aby franck - Printing
Hello! I am away from my printer for a few weeks but I have ordered some 624. Let us know how its goes, it is my first build too so any advice is welcome :-) Cheers, Franckby franck - General Mendel Topics
Hello! For the idlers I am thinking about 2 options: 1/ getting either some 624 or 623 since they seem to be the best choices. At this point I have not ordered any yet, not sure where to buy. 2/ I have 4 small 3x8x3 ball bearings (spare parts for an RC helicopter) which I was thinking of using together with a small 3mm axle and a printed pulley. Since the outer ring of the bearing is 8mm they sby franck - General Mendel Topics
Hello! Here are a few pictures of my newly built Prusa i3. I configured it and buit it from the sources on the Github repository (https://github.com/josefprusa/Prusa3). I am amazed how everything did fit together! The only part which I had to modify is the support of the X idler which was to short when using a 608ZZ bearing. Anyway, I will be changing the idler pulleys when I get smaller bearingby franck - General Mendel Topics