Hello guys, I am using a Prusa I3 Single Nozzle Printer with an Ramps 1.4 (Prusa MK 2S clone). The firmware I am using is the Prusa I3 Mk 2S Ver 3.1.0 optimized from Slippyr4: Slippyr4 Github I added a thermistor on my board on Pin 15 -> Temp_1_PIN. The thermistor is connected to the internals of my power supply. I want to read the power supply temperature, if the temp is higher than a treby Foxen - Firmware - mainstream and related support
Hello, I am using a Prusa I3 and I am using Kisslicer and Slic3r for my prints. I am printing PLA 1,75 mm with a jhead nozzle. I try to print large prints, for example the blossoming lamp from thingiverse. The lamp took about 9 hours ... or so ... some users reported they have print that in 4 and a half hour. Is it somehow possible to get my prints even faster ?? I have set my perimeter to 80by Foxen - General
Hello Guys, I try to print a Mario figure with support but unfortunately ... it will make the support everywhere, is it somehow possible to force the support only under the arms ??? not @ the center like in the picture ? I am using Slic3r. Picture is attached This is the Mario, I try to print from Thingiverse: Marioby Foxen - General
Hello, I have built up an Prusa I3 with nearly perfect X and Y Axis, They are all well calibrated. I tried now Kisslicer, Slic3r and Cura. and printed a Test plug, with every Slicer. In every of these 3 Slicer the hole is 0,5 mm too small, outside Dimensions are great. I know it is due too Arc Compensation. But why does someone have good holes and bad holes ... Is it also related to the Nozby Foxen - General Mendel Topics
so if this is the formula I have 200*16/0,8 = 4000 I am using M5 rod for z axis but 4000 is too fast for marlin :/ what should i do ?by Foxen - Repetier
Hi same Problem here with calibration but it worked with that! Calibration Guide NICE!by Foxen - General Mendel Topics
Good evening, I managed to get my printer run today calibrated everything and I am quite happy now. I am running Ramps 1.4 and the Sprinter Firmware. I also bought an LCD Display from ReprapDiscount Now I want to get it running. But on the Official site, they get them running on the Marlin firmware. So now my question: Can I use the same code that is provided on the website for the Marlin Fby Foxen - General Mendel Topics
Good evening I bought the Ramps Ultimate package from reprapdiscount. now I want to wire my stepper motor to the Ramps board. I followed the guide here: Guide My connectors should look like this but unfortunately my connectors looks like this: So Blue and Red are interchanged, does it make any differents ? Or should i wire it like on the first picture ? (The wires were preasembled inby Foxen - General Mendel Topics
Good evening guys, I want to built an Prusa i3 Printer equiped with a prusa Nozzle, I want to use this Extruder : Gregs Wade Extruder Now there are 3 Stl versions of it: The: * groovemount * jhead mount * reprap-fab.org Which one will fit ? for the Prusa Nozzle ? Cause on the official site there is the following statement: Developer Batch #0 units are shipped with Wade extruder compby Foxen - General Mendel Topics