I have had pretty good success with bowden as well -- definitely better than my wade's. Here's my setup for anyone interested: 200 step Nema 17 (76.4 oz in kysan) 1.67 gear ratio 7mm diameter hobbed bolt 8x microstepping 100 mm/s retraction Kisslicer J-head 1.75mm filament 2mm ID MFA tube 1/8" NPT push fitsby iquizzle - General
I use dumb controllers, but it's a bit of a headache (and unnecessary) for me to have to put my STLs or gcode onto a sd card and take it down to the basement where my printer lives. I'll probably setup a print server with a little more 'brains' to expedite that whole process. As for 8 vs 32 bit.. I find it at least a little dumb that some performance features are stifled by the performance of aby iquizzle - General
I'd recommend these instead for $2 more: dx.com I have both and the little white ones *will* work, but they are definitely a very cheap part.by iquizzle - General
The amount of filament that gets driven per revolution is equal to the circumference of the drive gear... so for a smaller diameter drive gear, your motor doesn't have to work as hard to push the filament. I think this is probably more important for a bowden setup (due to the extra friction from the tube) than non-bowden, which is why you are likely to be able to get away with a range of drive geby iquizzle - General
Length doesn't contribute to backlash, but if you can keep the tube relatively straight then that will help.by iquizzle - General
You could probably use makercam to generate the gcode. Try this: MakerCam Watch a 5-minute tutorial on youtube and go to town.by iquizzle - General
relevant (see idea 9): http://makezine.com/2013/05/02/first-to-file-nah-first-to-blog/by iquizzle - General
This is not the first time I've seen this posted here. I think I'll take your suggestion...by iquizzle - General
I'd like to chime in on a point that is rarely addressed -- "open sourcing" files in proprietary formats. Granted everybody has their own opinion, but to me the STL is a distributable and not source. Yes, you can modify an STL with various programs -- but very very few people (probably nobody) are going into notepad or gedit and writing STL files directly. That means your program generated the fby iquizzle - General
I'm sure it's possible to have a heavy enough extruder with high enough accelerations to flex the leadscrews. But even within that statement, there are many variables to consider. What are the diameter of the rods? How long are the rods between the constraining points? Carbon steel, plain steel, stainless steel? Are the rods constrained in the x-direction by both x-ends or just one? I believe thby iquizzle - General
QuotePolygonhell I fought Z Wobble on my MendelMax for months...my current belief is that lead screw based Z axis are just not a good match for most 3D printer designs. Leadscrews are perfectly fine for 3d printing. I use them on my printer and I have zero banding. The problem with the MendelMax isn't that it uses leadscrews. Most 3d printers are more that adequately "stiff" for what they need tby iquizzle - General
IMO in the ideal world, the site would be licensed by a foundation or organization and not an individual. That way individuals are free to disassociate themselves from the website without causing a destruction of the community. Or -- and not that I believe this is the case, the website isn't subject to the whims of the individual which may include profit motives that benefit that person, but coulby iquizzle - General
Bike cable housings would be awesome, but unfortunately I don't think the standard sizes are big enough. It's like 1.6mm ID for brake cable housings, which are bigger than the derailleur cable housings.by iquizzle - General
I'd say give it a try. I use 2mm ID MFA tubing with great results. Just make sure you have a small bit of lubricant in the tube and I think it'll work. If not, 2 ft of tubing isn't going to break the bank.by iquizzle - General
The MSDS for MEK is 1-3-0, while the MSDS for Ethyl Acetate is 2-4-0 according to wikipedia. Are you really sure it's safer? MSDS would suggest otherwise.by iquizzle - General
Quotepierpaolo9600 Quotediytechshop Most RepRap printers can actually do 50-100 microns, though I would suggest somthing with a small leadscrew pitch to keep it tight. Can u suggest me the best choice form me? My ideal building area is 25x25x20 (x,y,z). Obviously if there is more area it's better! I'm looking for this iron 3d 12*12*14,bit i hadn't find nothing on the web. Can u help me? Prettyby iquizzle - General
QuoteBuback it dried up years ago. the forums are swamped with tech support problems that were solved years ago and could easily be figured out with a simple search. It's really hard to get people to edit the wiki, especially because there's nobody providing any direction on what we should edit. any real development happens on peoples individual blogs and never gets catologued on the wiki. I hateby iquizzle - General
There's no way chemical etching will leave you with a smooth surface finish. It's not feasible.by iquizzle - General
Oops, didn't see the video. Yea you're right -- it's just a red diode laser. “Everything has a trade off,” Lalla says. “Since you’re fusing powders together, it’s not going to taste like traditional chocolate. It has more of a consistency of a sugar cube because the powder has more surface area. You get a lot of chocolate flavor all at once, but it’s not the silky, milky, creamy chocolate experiby iquizzle - General
It's probably a lower powered CO2. But you have to be very careful about how you heat chocolate... it's easy to cause a phase change that makes it not taste that great.by iquizzle - General
SLA using two photon absorption from a femtosecond laser. For half a million bucks (or thereabouts), it can be done....by iquizzle - General
I agree w/ n9jcv. You might want to use a little bigger tap like M6. Also, I'm not sure of your extruder design, but the hobbing is pretty close to the bolt head. That won't work on something like a wade's.by iquizzle - General
Marlin firmware, for instance, is made to not only accept home switches, but also limit switches. Depending on your firmware configuration, not attaching limit switches can prevent your steppers from moving in the "positive" direction. Unhomed motors will also not move in the "negative" direction. Hence my suggestion. So if you haven't tried homing yet, I would start there. Then I would move to tby iquizzle - General
QuoteLeesprinter But all 5 motors make no noise except when printer is turned on The motors shouldn't make any noise when the printer is off! Perhaps you can clarify this a little. What interface are you using to control your printer (eg. pronterface)? What happens if you press the x or y home button? My shot in the dark guess is that you aren't homed and your firmware is expecting limit switchby iquizzle - General
Calibration cubes are great for dimensional accuracy, but reveal very little about how real objects will look. They are about the easiest thing for your printer to print (single axis motions, minimal z-lift, minimal retractions, no bridging, etc). It could be z-leadscrew-wobble that you're seeing. If your leadscrews aren't perfectly aligned, you'll get banding that occurs as a result of your priby iquizzle - Printing
I don't know that a spur gear would be better. A hobbed bolt made from a harder stainless alloy would be better if you're concerned about wear.by iquizzle - General
Quotegmh39 Quotecakeslob I followed the Foldarap2 from the beginning of the project till the last Hbot revision where he went over to the rack and pinion. At the point I started doing my own fork of the foldarap2 hbot. I could never get them to work the greatest. Too much drag, binding, and deflection to make the hbot work properly. I really liked the corner brackets and the belt inside the channby iquizzle - FoldaRap
You can use makecam to do it. It's a free browser-based cam tool -- takes svg input. www.makercam.comby iquizzle - General
I don't disagree that the part from lulzbot is pretty expensive. But what you're asking for is the market to have a morality, when in fact there isn't. If people are willing to pay lulzbot $24 to make that part (as opposed to making it themselves or buying it somewhere else), the lulzbot is not doing anything wrong. The pricing isn't predatory. I can choose not to buy that item, just like I canby iquizzle - General
Unless you can provide an example of price fixing, I can't see how pricing can be "predatory". If I think something is an unfair price I don't purchase it, and I look for another vendor. It happens all the time. Sellers have a right to determine what price they deem fair for a good or service. Buyers have a right to choose what and who they buy from. Sellers who can't meet the demands of the buyby iquizzle - General