If your machine will be so large that it needs Nema 42 size motors then IMO you would be better off using closed loop AC servos. Stall detection during printing isn't reliable because it doesn't work at low speeds. Closed loop is the way to go.by dc42 - Safety & Best Practices
You might be able to use the M143 command to use the second thermistor to turn the heater off if it gets too hot. See . In RRF1 you would need to configure the second thermistor as a "virtual heater". Alternatively, you could power the heater at a lower voltage than it is rated for so that it can't get too hot.by dc42 - Reprappers
This is completely normal. See .by dc42 - RAMPS Electronics
Can you countersink the screw heads instead?by dc42 - Tech-Talk
I tried using Igus rod ends several years ago. I was unable to get sufficient movement range even after machining some custom spacers. I ended up using magnetic ball joints, which work very well.by dc42 - Delta Machines
A RC snubber won't reduce inrush current. The usual way to reduce inrush current is to use a NTC thermistor designed for this purpose in series with the mains feed to the PSU. Some PSUs have one built in. If necessary you can add an external one. Here are some examples . That said, a good SSR should be able to handle 40A inrush current. For example, the Crydom D2425 25A SSR is rated at 239A singby dc42 - General
I've built a capacitive water sensor before now. I used a coil of insulated wire running insure the tank and measured the capacitance between the coil and ground. Measuring capacitance using a microcontroller such as an Arduino is straightforward.by dc42 - Reprappers
The screws at the back of the motor hold it together. It's possible to remove two of them, diagonally opposite each other, and replace them with longer screws that go through a plate first, thereby securing the motor to the plate.by dc42 - Tech-Talk
If you look at the M574 documentation at you will see that S0 means no endstop and S2 means use the Z probe to home an axis other than Z. Your first M574 command says you are using endstop switches but doesn't give any port numbers. Your next two M574 lines say you have no X or Y endstop. So start fixing it by removing the first M574 command and changing S0 to S1 in the next two. You haven't saby dc42 - CoreXY Machines
QuotePCLoadPLA Back to the thermistor circuits, I still wish the blasted mainboard companies would just publish electrical drawings, but it seems this is impossible to get. Duet boards are open source and the schematics are available at . Most Chinese boards are closed source. On most boards one side of each thermistor input is connected to analog ground and you can use a common analog ground wby dc42 - Safety & Best Practices
QuotePCLoadPLA Should a 3D printer have the ground lug of the AC power cord connected to the printer frame i.e. have the printer frame tied to building / earth ground? Yes, for safety. QuotePCLoadPLA Should the "negative" wire coming from the 24V power supply, also be tied to the same "frame ground / earth", or left separate? My advice is generally yes. However, if you connect the printer to aby dc42 - Safety & Best Practices
Adding Modbus RTU support is on our TODO list for RepRapFirmware on Duet boards. We've already specified an extension to the M260 and M261 commands for this purpose, see .by dc42 - Duet
From memory, I think the numbers for fan outputs started at 20. So 20 should be Fan0, 21 should be Fan1 etc.by dc42 - Duet
Yes, that looks correct to me.by dc42 - Ormerod
You don't need it if you leave the 5V regulator on the Duet enabled.by dc42 - Ormerod
It's extremely rare for heater mosfets on Duets to fail. If your hot end is heating up more slowly than before, the most likely reasons are a failing power supply or a bad connection. In particular, check that the terminal block screws on the VIN and heater output terminal blocks on the Duet are tight. For more help I suggest you post at .by dc42 - Ormerod
Which problem: hot end not heating fast enough, or invalid M code?by dc42 - Ormerod
The text is wrong, if everything is aligned then the orientation parameter should be 20 not 21. Thanks for pointing this out. I will correct the entry in the GCodes wiki page. The entry at is already correct.by dc42 - General
What power supply are you using? Perhaps it can't supply enough current to drive more than one motor at a time.by dc42 - Firmware - Marlin
My Kossel XL has used the same Bondtech BMG extruder for around 4 years. I've never had a problem with it. The E3D Titan that it replaced used to jam.by dc42 - General
I see that your similar question at has been answered.by dc42 - Firmware - mainstream and related support
Take a look on stepperonline or another stepper motor catalog and look for motors with the same size (including length) as your motor. Pick the one with the closest resistance and use the rated current of that one as a guide to the maximum current you should use. If the resistance does not match exactly, the rated current varies approximately with the inverse square root of the resistance. Takingby dc42 - General
As @Dust says; except that extruders with very low steps/mm (e.g. 100 or lower) can benefit from x32 or x64 microstepping.by dc42 - Firmware - Marlin
@unfold I suggest you join the RepRapFirmware/TeamGloomy Discord channel. There you will find help with running RRF on a range of low costs controllers.by dc42 - Controllers
It looks to me that the kinematics is identical to a normal polar printer, in which case the standard builds of RepRapFirmware can drive it.by dc42 - General
What controller does your Folger use? The display you have purchased requires 5V signal levels, so if the controller only provides 3.3V signal levels then the signal levels will be out of tolerance and very sensitive to ringing caused by longer cables. If your controller board does provide 5V signal levels (e.g. it is one of the older generation of controllers using Atmega chips) then you may beby dc42 - General
Lighrburn and Duet/RepRapFirmware do work together. Configure Lightburn to generate G1 moves with the S parameter controlling laser power (this is also the configuration used by Smoothieware). If it's a laser engraver then in RRF 3.5 you can use up to 8 values in the S parameter of a single G1 command.by dc42 - General
Conditional GCode is not a standard part of GCode. There are several different versions of it. Which version you have (if any) depends on what firmware you are running. For example: RepRapFirmware: LinuxCNC:by dc42 - General
Yes, connect the negative outputs of the two PSUs together. Laptop PSUs normally use a two core mains cable (no ground wire) so it won't create a ground loop. The ground loops to avoid are the ones created when you connect the printer to another device such as a PC through a cable that has a ground connection e.g. a USB cable, and both devices have a connection between their PSU output and mainsby dc42 - General