aka47 Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Multi Architecture support from one code base is > only really doable with a higher level language > set and/or a hardware abstraction layer. (This is > why OS's and EMC2 have a HAL "Hardware Abstraction > Layer") This sort of pain is not really worth the > gain. I know it goes against the philosophy of 5DAby plasmator - Firmware - experimental, borrowed, and future
Well actually I probably didn't explain thoroughly. The intercom functions are called from temp.c. If GEN3 isn't #defined, the functions in intercom.c aren't included and I get a compile-time error. So I applied the following patch to temp.c: commit c69cfb3551c5f4cca099897a11564da8f1fe9609 Author: - Date: Sun Jan 23 20:34:40 2011 -0600 Fixed for when GEN3 isn't defined. diff --git aby plasmator - Firmware - experimental, borrowed, and future
Just a heads-up, I submitted a bunch of patches tonight: - Fixed a bug where the intercom functions aren't present if GEN3 isn't defined. - Added a config.h.ramps file - Added heated bed support (M105 reports B: temperature, M140 sets bed temp according to RepRap M-codes) For the heated bed, I added a #define in config.h that lets you specify which heater is your bed heater. As for the configuby plasmator - Firmware - experimental, borrowed, and future
So let me get this straight - you're coloring the filament *before* sending it through the extruder? How does the color afterward compare to the color before? Can you provide some pics of the 'before' vs. 'after'? Great work!by plasmator - General
If someone gives me the continuous PCB area surrounding the driver chip, I can calculate the power that you can deliver.by plasmator - General Mendel Topics
The whole thing is pretty fragile, but the Y-axis bearings are probably the worst. All of the bearings (X, Y, and Z) are mounted to what are essentially popsicle sticks (no joke). Epoxy reinforcement prior to assembly for the Y-axis bearing mounts is practically a must. The Y-axis 180 bearing is also poorly designed; the top and bottom bearings are too close together and you have to run one siby plasmator - General Mendel Topics
I have. I bought the laser cut RP parts on eBay from techzonestore. You can see video of mine running here: I will be perfectly candid and say that I would *not* recommend this kit unless don't mind (and have the ability) to deal with a design that isn't quite 'ready for prime time'. This design has quite a few weaknesses. I had to do some reengineering in many cases just to get the machby plasmator - General Mendel Topics
I really like the idea of a plastic parts loan with a deposit to ensure that the recipient prints a replacement set. $300 'escrow' money is probably a reasonable amount for now (considering what Mendel parts go for) but realistically I think you'd want for this to be down around $100 if at all possible.by plasmator - General
As fragile as Mendel is (yes you can stand on the frame, but we *are* talking about a 'precision' machine here), and considering how steep the learning curve is in troubleshooting issues, I don't see a mail-along scheme being very practical. That's completely notwithstanding trust issues, et cetera. It's not even that people would be dishonest; sometimes folks have good intentions but just don'by plasmator - General
nophead Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > You will be lucky to get 2A out of the drivers. > That is the rating of the chip, but to get it you > need very good heat sinking. I have been trying to figure out why the RRRF and Pololu drivers out there seem to have been designed without any thought for thermal considerations. The Pololu drivers in particularby plasmator - General Mendel Topics
jkeegan: If you decide the boards are a loss anyway, and want to send them to me, I'll see what I can do about repairing them for you. I'm set up to work on such things, and have repaired techzonestore stepper drivers so I'm familiar with the circuit. Just PM me if you'd like me to take a look.by plasmator - Reprappers
Actually I went another route, and never wound up ordering these boards. Thanks for the interest though.by plasmator - For Sale
Just a question, is the ground of your controller connected to the ground of the stepper drivers? I have seen some folks neglect the ground connection, but if they're running off separate power supplies and there's no common ground, they don't work properly.by plasmator - Reprappers
Yes, not sure where the camera idea came in, seems like it'd needlessly complicate things. We don't need a 2D encoding scheme with the tiny amount of information we're encoding. All that's really needed here is the aforementioned photodiode and LED. The 35mm film is wide enough that multiple tracks could easily be done with multiple photodiodes/LEDs. I think that what's needed is 2-tracks, onby plasmator - Reprappers
PS as in Polystyrene? That would make sense, I've dissolved a lot of polystyrene cups with gasoline when I was a kid.by plasmator - General
That is epic.by plasmator - General
stevew: PM sent.by plasmator - General Mendel Topics
Can anyone post a picture of the Y-axis assembly (particular the bearings and 'squashed frog' part)? I have been trying to assemble this and can't figure out a way for it to go together that doesn't interfere with the cross-rods connecting the z-axis drive.by plasmator - General Mendel Topics
Can anyone post a picture of the Y-axis assembly (particular the bearings and 'squashed frog' part)? I have been trying to assemble this and can't figure out a way for it to go together that doesn't interfere with the cross-rods connecting the z-axis drive.by plasmator - For Sale
Looks like Mdbaughman2 has me taken care of. Thanks, all.by plasmator - General
Can anyone suggest where I might quickly find a replacement for a single Mendel pulley? I am working with a lasercut parts kit and one of the small lasercut pulleys broke (they're somewhat fragile). I have looked in the usual places online to find an aluminum or plastic replacement (McMaster-Carr, et cetera) but no luck finding one with only 8 teeth. Any ideas? Also, if anyone is reading thby plasmator - General
My experience with techzonestore was not very positive. You can PM me for details.by plasmator - General
This is a really neat idea. It would probably be pretty straightforward to build a film exposure device that could expose a Grey code onto the film for use as optical encoder (as others have suggested). I could see using a low-power laser and geared stepper, scanning the laser across the film with a mirror. Could also print the code onto a piece of transparency and make a continuous loop, andby plasmator - Reprappers
Mods...please???by plasmator - RepLab Working Group
Recieved my board from Tom earlier this week. Great communication throughout. Thanks Tom!by plasmator - For Sale
Funny that this came up; I was thinking of running these numbers myself the other day. I have been through the OP's calculation and everything looks good for his assumptions, et cetera based on my experience as an engineer. He's using the correct deflection formula, calculating moment of inertia properly, et cetera. Even his unit conversions and consistency look good. I will say that when I rby plasmator - General
This thread seems less about 3d printing and more about helping scrapbookers with zero interest in 3d printing to pirate fonts. Our forum has obviously been linked to by some of the scrapbooker sites, just look at the page views. Mods?by plasmator - RepLab Working Group
@criswilson10: That's basically what I thought. Why not? Oiling would need to be done with just about any metal-based coating for smooth operation anyway, so why not get a little more help from the bluing. @pica: Brownells's kit is very expensive - you're 100% correct about that. However, it's entirely possible to mix the salts yourself, which is what I will try first. Another option is toby plasmator - General
After reading an article about a guy modifying a laser printer to directly print onto copper-clad for PCB fabrication (http://tech.groups.yahoo.com/group/Homebrew_PCBs/message/25578), I started wondering if it'd be possible to use toner as a print medium. According to Wikipedia : QuoteThe specific polymer used varies by manufacturer but can be a styrene acrylate copolymer, a polyester resin, aby plasmator - Powder Printing and Selective Laser Sintering