Hi I am currently trying to hack together something similar but much simpler for a web page. So far I have found two good resources online. STLViewer has good documentation on using their tool with Javascript and 3dpartprice has an API and source code available for you to get into. I am currently trying to get a slicer to work with the command line so that I can make the 3dpartprice code work locby Leo_Aguiar - Slic3r
Update: Problema resolvido. Desmontei o conjunto do extrusor e testei os cabos em differentes saidas da placa. Voltou a funcionar. Deveria ser algum mal contato.by Leo_Aguiar - Brazil, São Paulo RUG
Thanks Frank. I tested the the extruder stepper with the x-axis output from the board and it worked fine. So the motor wasn't the problem. Then I went straight to connecting it back to its output on the board and it worked fine again. So now I just have to assemble the extruder back on. I guess it was some problem with the wires. I'm going to do some test prints now and see what happens. Thaby Leo_Aguiar - Printing
Link to picture ://flic.kr/p/uiA9rrby Leo_Aguiar - Printing
Hello Frank, Thanks for the help. Here's an update: I took the extruder apart and removed the stepper. I checked the wires that control the extruder stepper motor. I used a multimeter to check for continuity. Each of the four different wires signalled that they are ok. Then I remade the connections and attempted to test the motor while controlling it with Repetier-Host. For some reason nothinby Leo_Aguiar - Printing
://youtu.be/6zA6gzhL38Qby Leo_Aguiar - Printing
Olá Reprappers, Espero que alguém aqui possa me ajudar. Estou com um problema em uma Metamaquina2. O motor de extrusão funciona corretamente somente perto do final do eixo x. Alguem já teve algum problema parecido? Tenho uma outra Metamaquina2 e isso nunca aconteceu com ela. Meu conhecimento técnico sobre como as impressoras repraps funcionam é limitado (nunca montei uma). Segue um link paraby Leo_Aguiar - Brazil, São Paulo RUG
Video o extruder stalling issue Hello RepRappers, I'm hoping someone can help me with an issue. I have two versions of the Longboat Prusa. They are known as Metamaquina2 printers (I live in São Paulo, Brazil). Last night a problem emerged. This has never happend on the other machine and I'm really not sure what could be causing it. My knowledge about how repraps work is still limited. I'm alsoby Leo_Aguiar - Printing
This is happening to me too. Any fix?by Leo_Aguiar - Repetier
Just an FYI: I was unable to recreate the disappearing infills problem after setting the infill to 10% again.by Leo_Aguiar - Slic3r
Hello guys. I am trying to slice a vase. I am running into a few issues. First problem is the first few bottom layers. They are especially flat and I want to generate gcode that will not make layers that have 100% infill. See picture attached. Is there a parameter that controls this? The Slic3r manual says that the "Solid infill threshold area" parameter is for: "Small areas within the modelby Leo_Aguiar - Slic3r
Oh! I forgot to mention that I started having this problem before the firmware update. Before this problem showed up I had been using the printer for almost a year without any temperature issues on the hot end. I did have an issue with a clogged nozzle. I had to take it apart to clean it up and when I reassembled it I used a different resistor on the hot end. That didn't give me any issues untilby Leo_Aguiar - Printing
Hello RepRappers, Problem: Extruder temperature stopped reaching necessary temperatures to print with ABS. For some reason it won't reach the 230ºC required for me to print. It was working fine last week now it reaches only about 170ºC. Yesturday it would reach around 190ºC and the day before around 210ºC. I have used thermocouple on a multimeter to measure the extruder’s temperature. The readiby Leo_Aguiar - Printing
I recently got a Cube. First time trying to use it and the documentation on how to level the print pad sucks. You're supposed to adjust two knob bolts and make the print head move to the different corners of the print pad. If there is space between the print pad and the print head you're supposed to adjust these knob bolts and the z position until you fix the gaps on all four corners. The problemby Leo_Aguiar - General